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In North Europe in summer Isha prayer is at midnight. In the mosques, Isha prayer follows Maghrib prayers immediately. The logic behind that is understood, but my question concerns praying at home, can we do the sames, i.e. praying Isha after Maghrib, even though we will stay awake after that watching television or doing any other thing till the proper.. More
My sister is 33 years old and wants to pray to seek forgiveness for not praying during that time. She wants to know what to do for Allah to forgive her.
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I became Muslim about five years ago now, from the outset I have been having problems establishing my prayer. I know how to perform them and understand the concept of having Khushoo and even sometimes I felt as though the whole world and everything in it meant nothing during my prayer. Yet still even after that I become so lazy in performing them that.. More
Should I pray time to time or stop praying?
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How did the number of Raka'hs come to be? Why do we pray silently in Zuhr and Asr?.. More
What is the ruling of the one who neglects prayers?
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If someone is unconscious or disturbed by Jinn and missed many prayers should he make them up later?.. More
I am facing a big problem. How we can control our Nafs (worldly desires). I am from a religious family. My father and mother used to pray five times. They never even watch a movie. But I wanted to watch films, listen to songs and chat with friends. I made every effort to pray, not to listen to songs but I had never succeeded. I know about the dangers.. More
Are the kids considered as kids of Zina (adultery) if the father is not praying?.. More
Assalamu alaikum, i have a question, one time i prayed zuhr at about 3:20 and the time for asr is 3:15 so is my salat ok or should i redo it? JazakAllah Khair Wasalam.. More
When was first Salat with congregation was obligatory? In Makkah or Madina? In which Hijrah year? In time of Rasoolillah (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) was any congregational prayer conducted without Azan and when? Is the Azan compulsory for congregational Salat?
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I am learning. So, I delay all prayers and perform them at home all together. How should I perform them?.. More
1) What is the punishment for the one who does not pray at all and the one who does not pray in its time? 2) What is the ruling regarding the part of the garment below the ankle?
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I would like to know, if I miss my Maghrib prayer, for any reason, do I have to perform the Maghrib prayer before Witr Salah or can I offer after completing Isha prayer. Please quote reference from Hadith.
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After Azan, how long should I wait before I perform Salah? Is it Haram if I delay prayer for no very important reason? Another question I have is: is it Halal for me to have a photograph of someone special to me by my bedside... More
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