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What is the ruling on having wedding parties with no music or anything like that in the mosque?
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Joking and talking inside the mosque before praying, is it forbidden?
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What is the ruling on l'tikaf at the time other than Ramadan? Should it be done? A brother suggested doing l'tikaf for just the weekend and I could not find any Fatwa on this issue... More
My question is concerning the graveyard; I know it's not allowed to pray in a mosque where there is a grave. How could Ayisha (Radiya Allahu Anha) the wife of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) pray in her house where there were three graves? How is it that Muslims are praying in Masjid of the Prophet (Sallallahu Alaihi wa Sallam) and there.. More
I am from Macedonia and I am now living in Germany. Here we have so many Muslims from the same country. We have bought one mosque but we did not pay the whole price. Now we pay interest every month to the bank. The mosque that we bought is bigger than our need. Is this Haram? The second question is: Can we pay our Zakaat and Sadaqatul-Fitr to this mosque... More
Can a man say (As-Salaam Alaikum) when he enters the mosque?
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We are a Muslim community in Germany and have a mosque. In order to ameliorate the relationship with non-Muslims and show them the right view of Islam, we invite non-Muslim people to visit our mosque. They attend also the prayer to have an idea about Muslim spirituality. These visits are not welcome from all brothers in the mosque. Many brothers think.. More
What can a Muslim do if there is no mosque nor Muslims around?
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I pray in a mosque called Alkhalil mosque in Adelaide Australia. This mosque is very big and new, build by Palestinian Muslim. I personally do not know the person who built the mosque but I heard that he trades with cigarettes and deals with interest (Riba). Some Muslims even accuses him of building this mosque with money of (Riba). I know he lives.. More
Is it permissable for a man and wife to stay together inside the mosque at night. If they are travellers?.. More
Is there any evidence that states we shouldn`t eat in the mosque?
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We have here in the university a silence room (all persons Muslims and non-Muslims, Christians or even Hindus) go there to pray. It has a lot of symbols and pictures in it. Most of Muslims didn't like to use it at all. Turkish Muslims accepted that in the past . Now, the university has a larger numbers of Muslims. The international office suggested.. More
We live in Kyushu area, Japan, where there one no mosques. We started to collect money for building a mosque. Can we use money donated by non-Muslims to build the mosque?
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We live in a village that has only one mosque and this mosque contains a grave in its "Qiblah." What is the "hukum sharei" for praying in this mosque?
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I'm working in a travel agency. Sometimes we have some non-Muslim tourists who want to visit mosques. Are they allowed to enter mosques or not?
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