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Alsalam Alikom I need the fatwa of that type of Marketing. I live in USA and there was a lecture was held in the Masjid here. Some Muslims invited some representatives for marketing company. and This video was presented. it's name: WCM777 English Presentation New Duration:30m and that marketing will be very.. More
Assalamalaikum wr wb should we pray in a masjid where a "rich guy" occupies a place and tells the imams and the masjid workers to keep a place reserved for him in the first row.. The "rich guy" himself is the one who built the masjid i believe. The staff in the masjid also at times wait for the "rich guy" to come to the masjid and then give the aqamah... More
Assalamu Allaikum, Is it permissable to invite a non-muslim president of a country to declare open a new or renovated mosque. .. More
Can i Donate Quran to a masjid without the permission of the masjid authorities and just keeping the quran on shelf.
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We have a Musalla (area allocated for prayer) at our workplace where we perform the ‘Asr and Thuhr prayers but we do not proclaim the Athaan for these prayers in the Musalla; is this correct or should we proclaim the Athaan?.. More
Is it permissible for a bride who is menstruating to enter a wedding hall attached to the Masjid so as to conduct her marriage contract?.. More
One person is selected as a committee member in one mosque. At a time he is already working as a precedent in another mosque. Can it is possible in the view of Islam please give me Fatawa. Thanking You Shaikh A.N.
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Is it permissible to perform the Christian prayer or Mass in an Islamic mosque? What is the evidence for this? Please answer us. May Allaah reward you!.. More
Is it permissible to allow a Hindu engineer build a mosque, knowing that there is very close supervision in the process of building?.. More
Allaah The Exalted Blessed me with a piece of land and I intend to build a house on it. Which is better; to build a mosque in the building's basement or donating the money to build a mosque as an independent building? Note: I cannot afford to build a mosque on my own. May Allaah The Exalted Reward you... More
What is the ruling on arguing and debating with one another inside a mosque, regardless of the topic, given that it has become common nowadays?.. More
Assalaamu Alaykum. This is a question from Europe: What are the conditions of the Masjid? Should it be a Waqf (endowment) for the Sake of Allaah The Almighty or it may be owned by a Muslim? May Allaah Bless you. Assalaamu Alaykum... More
Two of my friends are not coming to particular two mosques in the City for praying. The reason they say for this is one of the mosque has a small kabr on the left side of the building (outside the building and little away from praying area) and other mosque has the burial ground in front of the praying area which we can see through two windows... More
Assalamu alaikum…. How do I convince a person having come late to the masjid, immediately after praying the mandatory salaat, whilst others in the front rows have not had a chance to move, starts the sunna/nafal prayers, preventing others to move out, that he is being a nuisance whilst at the same time trying to earn Allah’s pleasure. Abu Munib.. More
ASALAM ULIKUM, Can we conduct IJTIMAH(religious sermon/gathering) exclusively for women in Masjid . Also is there any difference of opinion among scholars regarding prayer of women in of scholars even objected to salah of women in MASJID HARAAM arguing that it is better to offer salaah at hotel than in MASJID HARAAH during Hajj.. More
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