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1) Our company is providing its employees with a retirement pension plan scheme. This is a optional benefit, i.e. if an employee wants to join, then he can opt for it. An employee can contribute monthly from 3% to maximum 20% of his basic salary in the plan, and the company will match the employees share from its side, but up to a maximum of 6%. The.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I got PKRs.950,000 in May 2014 to buy a residential plot. I spent some of it, and after one year I was left with PKRs.500,000. During this one year period, I also got PKRs.2,500,000 from other sources and finaly bought a plot for PKRs.3,400,000 in June 2015. As I bought the plot after one year, I started arranging money. Now I want.. More
Six years ago, my father gave me a sum of money equivalent to fifty-thousand Saudi Riyals and, after two years, I told him in a phone call that I wanted to pay Zakaah on this money. My father said that this money was a trust and that I did not have the right to pay Zakaah on it. Three years later, my father said that the money he deposited with me is.. More
My father died two years ago and left us a sum of money in his bank account and it has reached the due Nisaab of zakat, but, thus far, the inheritance has not yet been distributed among the heirs. Please note that none of the heirs has his share at his disposal. What is the ruling on the zakat of this money?.. More
I have a sum of money in my bank account and I pay the due Zakaah every year at its due time. I deposited another sum of money in my bank account six months after the due time of paying the Zakaah (i.e. the Hawl). After another year, the main capital will be eligible for Zakaah, but the due time for paying Zakaah for the newly added money will only.. More
My monthly salary reaches the minimum Zakatable amount every two months. How should I give Zakaah on it? Should I give Zakaah on each amount after it witnesses the elapse of one lunar year, which means I will pay Zakaah every two months? May the Hawl (elapse of a year) be calculated according to the solar year? Is Zakaah still due on the amount of money.. More
I save an amount of money annually for the expenses of my children's education; it increases accumulatively with each passing year. Do I have to pay Zakaah on this money? Kindly note that I am in debt... More
Assalam-u-Alaikum, Please I want to ask about nisaab-e-zakat and please guide me from which month I will count myself as sahib-e-nisaab. I am sending you details about my belongings. In February 2009 I had $2500. Then I made an agreement with my brother. In that agreement, I shared one plot (belongs to my brother) with my brother. Terms of agreement:.. More
My question is about paying Zakah from salary. I am a government servant and getting paid PKR 70,000/- per month. However, all this money is spent monthly and most of the time I left with nothing at the end of the month. So is there any zakah to be paid on my monthly income or not? Moreover, government is deducting income tax from my salary.. More
PLease advise as i have invested my money into islamic bank (DIB) under investment depsoit scheme which distributes the profit every querterly, I have splited the total amount in intervals of one month or three moths from that total amount i have utilised some amount and the remaining amount is due to complete one year in months time. do i have to pay.. More
I'd like to ask a question since you helped me the last time. I've been keeping money from last year; each month I put part of my money aside and now a year later, I'd like to know If I have to pay the ZAKAH on the amount I have a year later or is there another calculation and is it still 2.5%? Who is eligible to receive the Zakat?
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Al-Zakaat for Al-Waseea'a at banks. How should it be? 2.5% can be calculated after Arbaah then paid from it? Or should al-Zakaat be paid from both, original amount and the benefits? .. More
I live in USA, and last year I bought a piece of land overseas in Morocco. I hired a contractor builder to build me a house. The total amount the contractor asked for is $12000. We agreed that I will be giving him around $1000 every month. He said that the house will be ready in about 4 months. I have been sending the money to my father-in-law so.. More
I started my business with one million rupees, and I get the monthly profit of 7000 to 10000 Rs. Its been only two months since I started my own business. I want to inquire if I’ve to pay the Zakaah on the principal amount plus the money at hand at the deduction of the Zakaah time after one year, or if can I pay Zakaah monthly from right now?.. More
Please clarify the following according to Qur'an and Sunnah: -A) As I have given the Zakah on one complete year of possession of Rs.100, 000/- and if it increases by 25 percentages next year on which amount Zakah is obligatory? 125 or 25 percentages?B) What is the ruling of Zakah on closed and kept house not in use? Do we still have to pay Zakah on.. More
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