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Which type of Hajj is preferable for the residents of Makkah, Tamattu’or Ifraad?
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This year, Allaah helped us perform Hajj to His ancient House, all perfect praise be to Him for His favor. We intended to perform Qiran and told the journey coordinator about that. However, he took the money of hady (sacrificial animal) in Makkah from us, and not when we were in our country, which is Germany. Does this mean that our Hajj was incomplete.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. A person performing Tamattu' Hajj from Pakistan performed 'Umrah and then went to Madinah. On returning from Madinah, he did not perform 'Umrah, nor did he assume the state of ihraam (ritual consecration). Is there any penalty for not performing 'Umrah on returning from Madinah as he went out of the meeqaat (places where the pilgrims.. More
As salamualaikum. I heard of a narration by ibn abbas ra that when a person asked him about hajj tamattu he he said that prophet did that. Then the person said that abu bakr and umar prohibited that. So ibn abbas said that nearly the stones will fall upon you that I'm saying prophet did that and you say abu bakr and umar forbade us. Is the above narration.. More
Which is better: to perform ‘Umrah before Hajj or the other way around? It should be taken into account that I do not have enough money to perform Hajj... More
Assalaamu 'alaykum. In a previous fatwa by yourselves, it was said "This is also supported by the fact that Ibn ‘Umar and his father, would order the people to perform Tamattu‘ Hajj and, when they said to him that his father forbade it, he would reply saying, "He did not mean that which you understood.” Could you please tell me where this statement.. More
Can one begin a Tamattu‘ Hajj on the eighth of Thul-Hijjah or must it begin before the eighth of Thul-Hijjah? What is the proof for this? .. More
A person was on a visit to Saudi Arabia and performed ‘Umrah in Ramadhaan. This person lived in Jeddah during his stay there and performed another ‘Umrah in Shawwaal. Is he required to offer a Hady (i.e. sacrificial animal) if he performs Hajj this year? .. More
How authentic is the Hadeeth narrated on the authority of ‘Umar ibn Al-Khattaab, may Allaah be pleased with him, concerning the two things that existed at the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that he (i.e. ‘Umar) forbade (i.e. the Tamattu‘ Hajj and Mut‘ah marriage)? What are the reasons for forbidding the Mut‘ah marriage.. More
When I was in the Miqaat, I intended to perform a Qiraan Hajj and those who were with me intended to perform an Ifraad Hajj. I did so out of ignorance as I should have been like them. I did not discover this mistake until the days of throwing the pebbles. I performed the obligation of Hajj as an Ifraad Hajj. What is the ruling? .. More
A pilgrim who wants to perform ‘Umrah in the months of Hajj followed by Hajj ( Tamattu` Hajj) and arrived in Hejaz lands in the month of Shawwaal. Is it permissible for him to perform ‘Umrah or should he wait until the coming of Thul-Qa‘dah?
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I want to perform ‘Umrah during the month of Ramadhaan and also want to stay until Hajj is due. Should I make Tawaaf Al-Qudoom (arrival circumambulation) while in Makkah?.. More
Please clarify the following: I have come to Makkah for Job in Shawal. After few days i performed two umrah with out the intention of any hajj. They were purely for the sake of Umrah. Now i want to do Hajj-e- Qaran. But people say that since i have already performed umrah now i cannot do Hajj-e-Qaran. In this scenario which hajj can i do? However,.. More
I was willing to perform Hajj -e -Tamattu. I have performed Umra on arrival to Holy Mecca. Thereafter I went To Holy Madina and on returning I performed another Umra (of course before Hajj) . Thereafter after some days I performed hajj. Now, in case my second Umra becomes void or nullifies. Then , is my Hajj- e- Tamattu valid keeping in view that.. More
I want to perform Hajj this year. Is it permissible for me to perform ‘Umrah during the night of ‘Arafah and then go directly to ‘Arafah with the pilgrims?.. More
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