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1012 fatwas

  • He married a Hindu woman to convert her to Islam

    Assalamualeikum rahmatullah Dear Shykh, i am new convert to islam from nepal, my question is, i married to hindu girl according to hindu custom hoping her to convert to islam, later she converted and we did a marriage contract in mosque (without her waiting period after intercourse) later we knew that she was not pregnat, so please advise me do.. More

  • Islamic polygyny has nothing to do with STDs

    Asslamoalikum In Islam it is permissible to have up to four wives. My question is how can you have four wives and prevent sexually transmited diseases (STD)? I know Allah has more wisdom then anyone, so how does it work. Jazakullah .. More

  • He married a girl who is too young to have sexual intercourse

    I have married a young woman and I cannot wait until she become old enough to have normal sexual relation. What can I do?.. More

  • His parents do not let him marry in a non-Muslim country

    Assalomu A`laykum va Rohmatullohu va Barokatuh. I`m in abroad and in difficult state now. In a state that I can make adultery(zina). I`m not married yet, so I`d like to marry but my parents against my marrige in abroad. I can`t go back and marry as well, beacause I don`t have money for marrige. That`s why I`m working in abroad now. My parents would.. More

  • Many questions about migration, prayer, marriage and ill-gotten money

    bro, i have to ask some imp Qs and need quick reply..there is a bro who is currently studing in western country..stay is for 1-2yrs (he had no other option)Now, he has been asked to NOT 1- pray in mosque, 2- No dawah 3- trimming beard, cuz of fear getting haram or deported back to homeland,as many of the students have been deported with suspicion.. More

  • She loves a Hindu man who refuses to embrace Islam

    Assalamu Alaikum! Would like to introduce me as a strong believer in Islam. However, I'm in love with a non-muslim guy(hindu), in which he loved me a lot and me too doing the same. Since I love him, I want him to come out of his ignorance and soon embrace to Islam and believe the only Almighty is Allah and Allah only. I dont wish to marry him as.. More

  • Her husband's first wife obliged him to divorce her

    Salam, My issue is of a drama! I agreed to marry a married man, he wife did not know at the time when we got married! Her husband told her he had intent & she could not see his just reason why he would want to get married!! So we keeped it secret.. We had only been married for 2months & she found out!! She read it in a text for him to me... More

  • Rufusing to get married does not indicate one's inability to shoulder the burdens of marriage

    What is the exact interpretation of this verse (which means): {Allaah does not charge a soul except [with that within] its capacity.} [Quran 2:286] Does this verse mean that, for example, if Allaah The Almighty decided that a young woman will not get married, it is because He knew she is unable to shoulder the burdens of marriage?.. More

  • Obligations of husband towards his two wives

    Is a second marriage invalid if: 1.the husband was not providing for the first wife when he took a second wife 2.if he could not afford a second wife 3.if the second marriage destroyed the structure and stability of the first family and first marriage. 4.if after the second marriage he is not being fair; shutting the first wife off for weeks and living.. More

  • Ruling on engagement gifts after termination of engagement

    If the fiancée breaks off the engagement, to whom does the engagement gifts (ring and jewelry) belong: to the suitor or the fiancée? What is the evidence in the Noble Quran and the Sunnah that proves that the fiancée should return the engagement ring and jewelry to the suitor if she was the reason for breaking the engagement, considering it.. More

  • Engagement via correspondence

    I live in Austria and the woman whom I want to marry lives in Morocco, and both our families agree to our marriage. I will visit them in Morocco next summer, Allaah willing, because I am currently working. Can I carry out the engagement via correspondence until I visit them next summer?.. More

  • Fiancée taking from suitor’s money without his knowledge

    I am an engaged girl and I am very poor; and I do not want my fiancé to find out about my poverty, but I am in dire need of money before marriage. Is it permissible for me to lie to my fiancé and tell him a higher price for the furniture so as to take that extra money for myself?.. More

  • Suitor who suspects his fiancée should investigate

    Is it permissible to marry a previously married woman who claims to be single, with the possibility that she might be honest or not, without investigation based on the rule that the woman is responsible for herself, or is investigation needed in such a case? Does the Islamic ruling differ if the suitor is not certain of her honesty in this regard?.. More

  • She wants to marry a married young man

    I am a twenty-year-old Muslim girl who loves a young man and he loves me too and wants to marry me. The problem is that he is married and has a child. I want to marry him but I fear that I might ruin his other family, what should I do?.. More

  • Fulfill your oath and marry him with your father’s consent

    I met a young man and we vowed to marry each other, but my father refused his proposal due to his financial situation; accordingly we took an oath upon the Noble Quran that if we did not get married neither of us would marry another person. Now I wish to marry him for I see in him a righteous husband, but with my father’s consent. What should.. More