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1012 fatwas

  • Accepting a suitor having contact with Jinn

    I am a twenty-eight-year-old girl. A young man, whose religiousness and deep religious knowledge was admired by my family, proposed to me. He observes prayers at the Masjid. Once, he was talking to me on the phone and said that he knows everything about me, even the moles on my body. When I asked him what he meant by that, he told me that there is.. More

  • Difference in nationality does not justify the refusal of a suitor

    A young man from a different Arab country than mine, who is religious and has high morals, proposed to marry me. However, my parents refused him because we are from different countries, even though he provided all guarantees: home, work, and residence in his country. I am satisfied to marry him and want to know whether my family will bear a sin for.. More

  • Self-confidence entails avoiding the devil's deception

    What is the Sharee‘ah ruling when a girl goes out with a non-Mahram young man with a sincere intention of marrying him? It should be taken into consideration that the girl is religious and wise and young men cannot deceive her. .. More

  • Favoring one wife over the other…a Sharee‘ah viewpoint

    I have a second wife who is a teacher. I do not know anything about her salary and she does not bear any of her expenses. Is it permissible to give my first wife an allowance if she asks me in order to fulfill some of her needs?.. More

  • An engagement does not require specific expressions

    What should the suitor say to the fiancée when he sends her the bridal jewelry or the dowry? .. More

  • Remaining on the right course wipes out previous sins

    After a year of engagement, I discovered that my fiancée had partial sexual relations with someone, who told me about the painful details. She did not deny this when I confronted her. Should I break our engagement and let her go back to immorality or should I conclude our marriage? Please note that she loves me strongly and cannot bear the separation... More

  • Neglecting the husband's rights leads to polygyny

    I am a mother of three children and for several years my husband has been telling me that he is going to marry another woman. Although I am his only wife, I do not feel that he fulfils my rights, because he is always either watching TV, sleeping, using the computer or out with his friends and does not return home until 1 a.m. Since I live in a country.. More

  • The preference of marrying virgin women

    I want to marry a divorced woman who is five years older than me. She is a relative of mine and I proposed to her. But I fear that she might compare me to her ex-husband in terms of sexual ability in particular as well as other matters in general. What is the correct way to deal with her after marriage? Noting that I want her as a wife, what do you.. More

  • Choose a husband who is closer to your heart

    I am a 19-year-old woman. I got to know a young man with whom I committed sexual acts but I am still a virgin. Later Allaah guided me and I became very close to Him, so I decided to leave this young man. However, he loves me very much and wants to marry me, and I know that he has become a very religious man. At the same time, another righteous young.. More

  • He gave up the idea of marrying her after committing Zina with her

    Committed adultery with a muslim married on his promise and assurance of marriage and he planned a flight to the country of his residence and my Fathers (whom I got approval to marry a married man and was waiting to meet him to finish the documentation papers) He travels and returns after failing to meet my father he comes back saying that his parents.. More

  • Marrying a disbelieving woman on condition that she embraces Islam after marriage

    What is the ruling on marrying a Hindu woman on the condition that she embraces Islam after marriage? .. More

  • Ruling on marrying a former dancer

    I am a Sunni young man and I met a Moroccan dancer. We fell in love with each other and I convinced her to quit dancing and put on Hijaab (Islamic covering). She obeyed me, and I now want to marry her. Is there any harm in marrying her? Will I be a Dayyooth (a man who approves of indecency among his womenfolk) if I marry her?.. More

  • Keep your promise as long as the fiancée is not harmed

    All perfect praise be to Allaah, the Lord of the worlds. I want to marry in compliance with the commandments of Allaah The Almighty and the teachings of His Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. I liked a girl who is currently pursuing a master's degree. We both accepted each other in the presence of the girl’s Wali (guardian). The problem.. More

  • Marrying a girl born out of wedlock or obeying parents

    Is it permissible to marry a girl born out of wedlock? If my parents do not agree to this marriage, what should I do? I would like to clarify that this girl has good morals and manners and is well brought up and I like her. What should I do?.. More

  • You do not have to tell your fiancé about this matter

    respectable shuyookh, aoa, im taking a medicine for acne treatment that requires me to take contarceptive one year post treatmen since the medication will harm the baby if i get pregnant.i will be getting married in a few months inshaALLAH but i will still have to take contarceptives for a few months. is it mandatory to tell my fiance about this?.. More