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1012 fatwas

  • Regrets having married a non-Muslim woman although he divorced her later

    I am 50-years-old, married and while working away from home and family in foreign country for some 6 months I came under different pressures and temptations to sleep with one lady from that country. I asked her to agree to marry me before sleeping together and she did accept. After some time I was able to take her to the Masjid (Mosque).. More

  • Wants to marry a recent Japanese convert to help her condition

    Can I marry a Japanese girl has got into Islam three months ago. In order to learn hear Islam and take here a way from the unbelieving condition surrounding her. I mean, then my intention is not to build a family and have children and so on, but this marriage is will continue only for few years are maybe continue forever if she became a good Muslim... More

  • She feels no need to marry

    I have a very serious problem. I'm 26, a doctor, an only daughter; I have a younger brother and very loving parents Al-Hamdu Lillaah. My parents have been very supportive always Maashaa' Allaah, they really want the best for me and I can never think of hurting them. I don't want to disobey them both for their sake and because Allaah says.. More

  • Wants to marry but it is difficult

    I really need some advice on this. I was recently asked for marriage by a Muslim man who is divorced and has a child. I told him I cannot keep talking to him on phone even the basics because its not Halaal. At the moment its difficult for us to marry because of financial reasons. We leave in different countries and it would cost him a.. More

  • Premature ejaculation

    I have a sexual problem, premature ejaculation, and I'm 28-years-old, I don't know what Islam says about this situation, and I did want to doctors but they ask me to get medicine that it will be good to use only the time when I be with a lady, or I do it by myself, and I cannot get married at this time, because I don't know if I will be.. More

  • In premarital affair with non-Muslim boy

    I am a young teenage Muslim who is doing her best to avoid all things that are considered Haraam. But some friends of mine has gotten me involved in a pre-marital affair with a non-Muslim. Along with that, many boys are asking me to involve myself in sexual relations with them, but I refused. What should I do so that I can avoid these.. More

  • Wants to marry while studying

    I have a fiancée and her parents like me and agree with our relationship, the problem is, they won't and never give us permission to get marry when we are studying but now, I fear that I couldn't control myself and commit Zina (I really afraid) and I feel that it is Waajib for me to get marry.. So, what should I do now? Should I get marry using.. More

  • Having second thoughts about his engagement

    I'm engaged to a girl since six months. Since that she caused several problems to me, she is nervous and knotty and disobeys me a lot. Many times I thought to separate but I say to myself I should be patient. I need your advice what should I do? .. More

  • Wants to marry a man but he is shorter than she

    I would like to ask you question, there is a male student at my college whom is practicing. I would like to ask my mother for me to marry him, but he is shorter than me. Is that a bad thing, please give me Fatwa. .. More

  • Marrying Women of the People of the Book

    Volume 9, Book 92, Number: 422, Narrated Abu Sa'id Al-Khudri The Prophet said, "You will follow the ways of those nations who were before you, span by span and cubit by cubit (i.e., inch by inch) so much so that even if they entered a hole of a mastigure, you would follow them". We said, "O Allah's Apostle! (Do you mean) the Jews and the Christians?".. More

  • Unfair treatment by her husband who has another wife

    My husband lives 40 km distance from me with one of his other wives. For a period of 3 years he has a habit of staying away from me 2-3 months and he comes back-it happens frequently. He does not support me financially at all-neither does he even ring to ask me how I am. I would like to get divorce from him. What can I do that is comparable.. More

  • Etiquettes of marriage

    My sister had done Kateb al-kitab (registered married in Islaam) but had not had sexual relations with her husband as they still had not moved in together as they had planned to have a celebration first. They broke up because of certain problems but now they have solved the problems and have reread the Faatihah but have not redone the Kateb al-kitab... More

  • He proposed marriage, but does not pray

    Muslim has proposed to me. He converted to Islaam a little over a year ago. He took Shahada at Masjid Al-Azhar and has a document to that effect. Before that he used to be monotheist Christian. He regularly reads the English translation of the meaning of Qur'aan. Actually, he read it before he became Muslim. He also reads the Hadeeth. However.. More

  • Wants to marry a virgin with proof of it

    I am currently visiting the family of my possible future wife. This is also the first meeting of me and this girl. I contacted her through matrimonial site in internet (the ad was made by her parents). They live in Scandinavia but the parents are from my country. The girl seems perfect for me in many ways. She is obedient for her parents,.. More

  • Committed Zina, Wants to Repent and Marry Muslim Girl

    What is the position of Shari'a about a man who has done (Zina) and wants to return to God for Tawba (repent) and get married to a Muslim young woman? .. More