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1012 fatwas

  • Involved in an unlawful relationship after marriage

    I am a 31 year Muslim male, living and working in United States. I want to ask your advise on the matter of my marriage. I have known and loved a girl for a couple of years and we have a lot of understanding and emotions for each other. Our feelings are mutual for one another and we believe in our hearts that we will make a happy couple. She.. More

  • Dating non-Muslim men

    I reside in Hyderabad. Here in my city I see lots of Muslim girls date with Hindu male; give me some suggestion to prevent these Muslim girls from this infidels. Or else give me some support so that I can handle these sorts of cases whenever I come across. Hoping for a best suggest and Fatwa... More

  • Concerned about his feelings and actions toward his second wife

    I have two wives. I read the book of polygamy by Dr. Bilaal Philips and I found myself I am not doing just to one of my wives. I force my heart and now I see bad end. I wanted to divorce her but I said let me be patient but now things are getting worse. She is not bad. Now she is about to deliver I feel inhuman to act to my wish... More

  • Early intentions to marry, and sexual practices in marriage

    1) What does the female Muslim name 'RUHIA' mean? 2) Is it Islaamicly allowed for a boy and girl to like each other and promise to get married one day? Note: Without any intimacy in ANYWAY. Please try to answer this for me. Because there is a girl I like. We advise each other to education and what is good and we aspire to be a devoted Muslim.. More

  • Resents having same accommodations as her husband's ex-wife

    I had a question registered on the No. 241857. You gave me an answer but I think you understood wrongly the situation: I am not the second wife of a man, I am the wife he took secondly after he divorced the first one. I am his only wife now but still I am treated worse than his ex-wife because since they have kids together she is still living in.. More

  • Married but fell in love with girl on his job

    I'm a married man at the age of 38, I have been married for the past ten years with two boys one is 10 years and the other is 3 months, one month back I felt in love with a girl who works with us, she is religious, and so am I, the reason I think is that there are so many important points which I lack at home, and not being taken into consideration,.. More

  • Obsessed with a woman

    I am male, I got married, and in three months we got divorced, because she don't want to live with me, she has love affair with someone after that one of our relation she married got divorced, I love her, she also love with me past 18 months, but she is out of India her family settled Singapore, but we have communication through phone, SMS,.. More

  • After Nikah his mother wants him to wait 2 years

    I have done only nikah and my mom says we will take her after 2 years, and not me talk to her when we are alone and not even let me touch her hand, are they doing right thing, please help me. .. More

  • In love with a man who won't propose marriage

    Please help, I am very much in love with a man that has met me and my parents for marriage. But he never proposed to me for certain situations. I'm not sure. So the first time he met me and my parents he left, then I prayed to Allaah that he'll come back and then he did a year later, but then he left again. I don't understand, Allaah answered my prayers.. More

  • Engaged people are alien to one another

    I'm a Muslim young woman aged 33. So far I've been introduced to several men - as future husbands- but, unfortunately, they are not religious. But a month ago, a friend of mine introduced me to a single man aged 36. At first he pretended to be religious that's why I liked him. But the problem is that he wants me to go out with him (I mean to cafes,.. More

  • Relations between sexes before marriage

    I'm a 16 year old, Muslim girl and I have question. Can I have a relationship with a guy before I get married?.. More

  • Her parents disagree among themselves about his proposal

    I wanted to ask there's a girl that I want to marry and I have proposed to the family but the father says that his daughter will not be married until she finishes school but the rest of the family including the mom are ok with the proposal what should I do or what ruling do you have on my situation I want to marry this girl because she's a girl.. More

  • Having groups of brothers meet sisters to discuss marriage

    I live in USA. Part of the activity of our Masjid is to organize events where Muslim can socialize and get to know each other. One of the tasks we tried to accomplish is to facilitate marriage for singles. So we decided to gather the singles (men and women) to give them a chance to know each other. The way we organize this is we seat few.. More

  • Non-religious man wants to date a Muslim woman

    Greeting, I have found this wonder lady at this friends party and was talking to her at lunch I found out she want eat pork because of her religion which I can respect, I believe she is Muslim and I am non active in any religion, my question is how do I go about dating or courting her with respect to her being Muslim, I apologize if this sounds.. More

  • Nineteen year-old girl proposed by 38 year-old man

    I am 19 and a man who is 38 has introduced to marry me and he is a very good man but he is older than me with 19 years I am worried but my parents want me to marry him. Please help me with my problem... More