I am a 22 year old girl from an Arabic country who wants to marry a Muslim guy, He is not Arabic so my parents said no, His family is a very religious family, Please tell me what to do? I don't want to go against them, but he is a good Muslim and he treats me well and loves me a lot. My parent's aren't getting convinced. I tried a lot and at the.. More
I am a 21 years old widow with a 1-year-old son. Is it compulsory for me to get married or I can live as a widow through out my life? May Allah (SWT) guide us to the right path... More
I had a Katib Kitab (marriage contract) on my cousin who is 23 and born here in the USA from an American Christian mother. She doesn't practice much Islam. I told her to start praying and she promised me that she will when we get married and be together in one house, Insha Allah. I also ask her to start learning to speak Arabic because she only knows.. More
I have a great Muslim friend with good morals and good knowledge of Islam. I see her going through hard times, however I can't seem to understand it as she has so much more than many have in life, except a husband. She is growing older (over 30) and seems to have a hard time appreciating her family as she sees them not appreciative of her. How.. More
In the United States, is it legal to have more than one wife?.. More
Imet a girlwho is a Christianand we love each other. The girlwants to become a Muslim. My father and motherare not happy aboutour getting married.What shouldI do?I don't want to upset them or something worst.At the same time God will not forgive me about that girl; she loves Islam and she said this is the right religion for her. We love each.. More
My question is to do about the prayer of for guidance (Istikharah).I thoughtof proposing for a girl and I performed the prayer of Istikharah after the Fajr prayer. I slept and had a dream which greatly impressed me. After a while I lost interest in the girlprimarily becauseshe is not pretty. This started to become aproblem to me. She loves me.. More
Iwant to know whether Islam allows husbands to lie to their wives. I also want to know ifa personhas the right to ask his/her future marriage partner about his/her physical experience with previous partners. What Ibelieve is that in Islam a divorcedgirl gets less Mahr than a virgin. If the girl wants to marry someone who never had intercourse,.. More
Please tell me the importance of Western education for the Muslim Ummah and the importance of polygamy to Muslims... More
If a Muslim womanwho isengaged to a Muslim man, gets to know him and he is very disrespectful to her and her family, andmistreats her how can she divorce? What is the Islamic law on marriage?.. More
Is it alright to marry a non-religious person just to please your parents, but you are forbidden to instruct her in Islam, its obligations and prohibitions? In other words, she can do as she pleases, but I practice, or is it better to disobey my parents and find a practicing Muslim woman? What does Qur'an and Sunnah advise? .. More
I am now 16 years old, almost 17, andI want to get married. How shouldI tell my father thatI want to get married? Now he works in England and there are 2 men looking for wives and he tells my mom to look for wives for them.My mom told me about them and the next nightI dreamed one of them was about to ask for my hand and then the dream just stopped.I.. More
I wish to know if the Christians are regarded as non-believers when they say they believe in “the father, the son and the holy spirit". If it is the case, does a Muslim man have the right to marry with a Christian woman and a Muslim woman with a Christian man?.. More
I need help with a matter that is really bothering me. Someone wants to ask for my hand in marriage but is afraid of the answer he'll get from my parents. His father is my mother's brother so we're cousins, but our parents haven't spoken to each other in years, so that is the problem. Is there any Salah that I can do that'll help me to get my parents.. More
Does Islam allow the practice of courtship? How can we carry out Jihad and what are the necessary steps in order for a Muslim to participate in it?.. More
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