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I married to a girl of my parents choice to whom I did not wanted / liked to marry. I don't like her. In fact I hate her. I married only to keep my parents happy and due to their consistent pressure. She married to me on her parent's choice but she wanted it and is happy about it. It's been 5 years now since I married, have a kid, but I'm not happy.. More
My original Question was about Nikah of a divorcee girl. The situation is that the boy sat in his room along with two witnesses and the girl sat in her house. Then, though skype they did ijaab and qubool and the two witnesses heard the girl’s voice as video chat was not used. 1. Fatwa no. 2378938 2. From previous.. More
assalamulikum. i marry to swedish women. she accept islam 17 years. now she became murtad. we have 4 kids. she has lot of respect for me and my religion. she practice islam 17 years. she accept i tich my kids islam. she do not make any problem my religion matter. but she can not belive any religion. she do not drink alcohol. she do not eat pig meat... More
a man was married to his bhatiji and now his daughter is going to marry another uncles son so is it allowed to attend that marriage by other relatives
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Assalamu alaikum Sheikh, In the video above explaining the ayah about the 'darb' of women in surat Al Nisaa, the speaker cites a hadith from Sunan Abu Dawud in which the Prophet, peace be upon him, says something like, "by what right does a man hit his wife ..." and says that the Prophet, pbuh, allowed women.. More
Is Gaye holud (translates to “yellowing of the body.” at night before wedding ceremony ) an islamic culture or a bengali culture ? If it is a islamic culture can you give any evidence from quran & sunnah ? In our country Bangladesh some people mention a hadith to prove that it is an islamic culture. The hadith is:oneday abd al rahman bin awf.. More
salaam aleikoum shaykh, I married at the moroccan consulate in the Netherlands, but they perform 3aqd without lafdh (oral, spoken) but only written and in the 3aqd the adminstrator has written the wali also as a witness, my father was also present. We had a big feast afterwards so it was no sir (secret) marriage but announced very good. Some tullaab.. More
Asalam alaykum I am in a really serious situation here I got married to a Molana in nov lived with him for 1 an a half month but later in dec found out that him an my sister were having an affair for a few months an that they got nikha done a few months before mine. As from what I've found out my nikha didn't even exist I was living haram with this.. More
Assasalamualikum . I got marry by phone with one man who is of our country and muslim and lived in abroad . We did not see live each other. only one day we saw each other with web came.We introduced with internet. He said at first he is divorced only and no child .He proposed me to marry but I was unmarried and he was divorced and later he said he.. More
Dear Sir, A female was in love with a boy. They secretly married on (MORE THAN 3 MONTHS AGO), where their 3 friends were witnesses/nikah khwan and advocate. The boy keeps the nikkah documents and both of them are living with their own parents and both girl's and boy's parents do not know of this nikkah. As the boys parents were not in favor of their.. More
i commited zina with a boy and fearing allah instead of giving kuffarah i married the same boy in presence of qazi without my elders/witness going against them.after three months i got concieved and i gave birth to a baby boy in the month of my 2.5 yrs of my married life my husband has given talaq more than three times but regret that it.. More
If for some reason a woman remarry her husband or repeat the nikah does this invalidate the marriage, it was extremely necessary for them to repeat the nikah
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Before getting the 2nd wife; If I put condition to the lady ( 2nd wife ) and her guardian that I can not provide her equal time and financial facilities what I am giving to my 1st wife now (as she is sick and having 3 children ) and then the 2nd wife and her guardian are agreed with this condition and marriage is happened. It is worth to mention here.. More
1. Can a Nikah Khutbah be recited and lecture be delivered by Groom on the occassion of Nikah/Marriage in presence of family members and other people ? 2. Can a groom make ejaab and the bride make Qabool in presence of their walis?.. More
Assalamu Alaykum My husband and i started to get to know more about Islam probably around 10 months before we got married (although we are born Muslims but living in a westernized environment). We started to explore Islam slowly in further details as days go by. Syukur Alhamdullillah, Allah S.W.T opened up our eyes to the truth and we have been trying.. More
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