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Please explain in quraan it is clearly mention marry two or three or four if you justice otherwise one is sufficient for you so in Zawaj al-Misyar the lady is not getting equal rights with the normal wife so how can it be legalized ! is it not violation of Allah direction? Please tell me after divorce in Zawaj al-Misyar (Iddat) time period for getting.. More
eight years back i come to know a non muslim lady who was married and having 2 kids.she converted to islam and was asking me to marry her...i was not sure though that i loved her so much and she loved me.she had already done tubal ligation and i am never married...last year she got out side of her non muslim home and was asking me to marry her...i.. More
Is marraige between mehdawi muslim boy and sunni muslim girl valid or valid? Some people say its valid because both girl and boy believe in ALLAH SWT as one and only god..but theres who say such marriage is invalid.plz give ur opinion.. More
Assalamu Alikum My family has wrong me so bad. They have called me throwing something hard, throwing words out of mouth, aspersing and slandering my chastity. my dad called me whore and my brother said im pregnant when iam free from this. They said we married you off to my cousin when i object and said thats invalid because they are saying your.. More
Assalammualaikum A man has taken an oath/SWEAR not to get married, but later on he married a girl and had a son from his marriage. Is the marriage valid because he did not offer the expiation of oath before he get married? Rather he paid it after his son was born... More
A man who is abroad authorized his family to conclude his marriage contract on his behalf. What is the Sharee'ah ruling on this? .. More
assalamu Alikum wa rahmatuallah wa barakahtu A very pious, Allah fearing brother with good character propose to me. The brother is focused on learning his Deen. His passion is to give Dawah. We are both Africans, I am Somali sister and he is Nigerian American. People consider him a good brother. However, when he proposes to me my father did not like.. More
I am married but none of my family knows about my marriage. Only four of my friends and four of my wife’s friends know about our marriage. Is it (our marriage) permissible? .. More
I am the father of two children whose mother I divorced because of problems. When I married another wife, the latter stipulated a condition for me not to return to the first wife. If I return to my first wife, what is the Sharee‘ah (Islamic law) ruling on the condition of the second wife?.. More
There is a man who married a girl in the presence of a Shaykh in a mosque. The man said to his wife, “You are divorced.” Then, he revoked the divorce during the period of ‘Iddah (waiting period). He repeated this act. Now, he has divorced her for the third time. However, he loves her very much and wishes to revoke the divorce. It should be known.. More
I am a Muslim girl. A Druze man whom I love and want to marry proposed to me. Is it permissible to marry him? I want to have information about their creed and everything that is relevant to their life and worship... More
There is a sick person in Germany who cannot start a family, due to his illness. He said that he wants to help a girl in an Arab country obtain the right of residence in Germany before his death. He does not intend to consummate the marriage. According to him, all that is for the sake of Allaah, and he does not want any compensation. Is this permissible?.. More
I have some friends who were about to fall into a great problem that would have caused the imprisonment of one of them. I have a relationship with one of those men and we are to be married. I had to announce before the people present that he is my husband, in order to solve the problem, which was related to me. Accordingly, the problem was solved.. More
I was divorced three days after concluding my marriage contract without having consummated the marriage. If I marry another man, will it be stated in the marriage contract that I am a virgin or a divorcee? .. More
I want to ask about marriage with the aim of obtaining residence in France, and I will try to word my question to be as clear as possible.
I am a young Algerian man man and I have been in France illegally for about two years, due to religious and financial reasons. Freedom of worship is very limited in my home country and the economic conditions.. More
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