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Dear Sheek, My step sister used to live with us in UAE when she was 4 years old. She then left with her mother to England (where her mother's muslim family lives, and they never came back due to problems between the two families). My father never divorced her mother, as he expected them to come back and he was told it was only a visit to her.. More
I am goin to get married soon in India. I have a few doubts regarding the marriage contract. 1) Is it permissible for my bride's parents to gift their daughter with gold and land as gift? If my bride gives those things or land to me, can I make use of it? {It is not a demanded dowry} 2) I plan to give the waleemah on the wedding day after the nikkah.. More
ASAK, During a discussion between friends, I took a strong objection to the viewpoint of some. The topic was "INNAMAL AMAALU BINIYYAAT" (ACTIONS ARE BUT INTENTIONS). A few years back home in India this was overheard that "the cook gave advice to the host of a wedding day dinner that if we add a certain ingredient called "PHITAKRI" to the dish being.. More
I’m 30year old lady and ,2 years back I was proposed by a boy and his parents and My parents and I agreed to get marry him, then my father and all my uncle(maternal & paternal uncles) visited his place and in front of all including his father and brother he accepted to marry me, They recited some dua which recite on day of wedding, That.. More
Assalamu Alaikum, The mut'ah marriage looks more like prostitution. According to sunni scholars, Prophet allowed mut'ah marriage initially and forbade later. Why did he allow initially? Regards.. More
Hi there, I have a Muslim friend and she committed zina while she was married with her first husband. She persuaded her family that she wants to divorce her husband but the reasons that she used were illogical and fake because she was getting attracted to another man who took good care of her during rough times. Meanwhile, the convincing was going.. More
I proposed to a twenty-five-year old girl and she accepted my proposal, but her mother refused because I am married. Although the girl’s father approves of our marriage, he cannot face his wife. Is it permissible for that girl to resort to the judge to marry her off to me? .. More
Is it permissible to give a wedding banquet with food but without slaughtering an animal (i.e. a goat, sheep, or a camel, and so on)?.. More
I proposed to marry a divorced young woman and her condition, that hindered our marriage, was her request that I own a house to safeguard her future. However, I cannot afford to buy a house, and if I could, I would have bought it. What is the Islamic ruling on this issue so as to enlighten our hearts by faith?.. More
The wife of a convicted man, who received a three-year prison sentence, filed for divorce. Her husband told her to finalize the required legal proceedings and bring him the legal documents and he would divorce her. The wife got married to another man, is that marriage valid?
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A woman who has no relatives wants to marry. She has only one married daughter. Is it permissible that her son-in-law assumes the responsibility of her marriage as her matrimonial guardian?.. More
A young man proposed to me and I agreed to marry him. He asked me to make him feel as if I was his wife, not his fiancée. So, he ordered me to swear by the Quran that I had accepted the marriage. The following day, he said that he had made his friend and one of his relatives witnesses to this 'marriage'. Later I ended my relationship with him and.. More
I have a friend who married a girl. Before marriage, he had an agreement with her that she will not work. After the conclusion of the marital contract, she disobeyed him and started working and then asked for a divorce.
What is the Sharee‘ah ruling regarding the bridal gifts and the advanced and deferred dowry, noting that she was the one who.. More
Is it permissible that one deputizes his family to conclude his marital contract while he is absent because he is abroad, while the bride and her family are present?.. More
Is there a Hadeeth of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, that urges Muslims to hold banquets on certain occasions such as marriage, circumcision, and the like?.. More
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