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1517 fatwas

  • When she asked her husband for divorce he signed a blank paper and gave it to her

    salam . my husband and we had fight and then he said leve me home . i told until im ur wife i cant leave ur house . if u wana leave me ok come andwrite paper to me and leave me , he went and sign a blank paper nad said ok nowu type what everu like .... do we still stand as husband and wife or where do we stand .... do guide me .. More

  • Said to her husband that he is Haraam to her if he will not grow his beard

    my problem is that i told my husband if u wont keep beard i take allah's kasam that u r haram for me so wat should i do now?plz reply me soon im very much worried.. More

  • His wife left his home and refuses to come back

    Asalam-o-Alakum, I have been married for last 3.5 years and we have had more bad times in my relationship so far than gud time since my wife is doctor and all she wants to do is work. i have said to her many a times that she can work but will have to manage her house as well. there has been many fights and few times i have hit her which i am not proud.. More

  • Her husband died after she started her Hajj journey

    Assalamu alaikum A married woman goes on Hajj pilgrimage with her parents. During her absence at home the husband passes away. What the woman has to do? 1. Whether she has to continue the pilgrimage as she had spent a huge amount of money? 2. or she has to execute the I’dda period in Mecca then return home? 3. or immediately return home without.. More

  • A doubtful divorce given in anger

    My sister age 46 & her husband age 54 very God fearing, practicing all their life. Last year husband was occupied in a fitna with a girl age 22. Husband became mad in girl’s love and often fight with wife. He was a patient of hypertension. During fight with wife his blood pressure went high and he began speaking rubbish. In fitna of girl, he neglected.. More

  • Her husband is too submissive to his father who is unkind to her

    assalam o alaikum I just got married ,it has been three months but for one and half month i am at my parents house as per my father-in law decision.He took this decision because; they were not satisfied with me. According to them my behaviour was not good enough with them,i treated them really well,(i cooked,served etc) i did all the work that they.. More

  • Her husband suddenly hated her and divorced her

    I am recently married stayed only2days after marraige as my husband had 2 leave abroad.since than we had talking on phones and net chating and we both was soo happy in our married life soon a sudden change in his attitude from love to hate and now my husband divorced me in 2 thalaq.I am 100% convinced that my husband has been afflicted with either sihr.. More

  • She was given Khul’ from her husband who absented himself for years

    AOA, hope you will be fine and doig well. i have one question. Please advise me on below: my sister live with my parrents after her marriage since 6years with her two kids. Her husband live in abroad and he never ctc with my sister and nor send eny expense to my sister. my parrents are bearing their expenses. Now my sister has apeal with adalat.. More

  • Her husband refuses to listen to her complaints about his family

    assalamualikum,i married before 4 years ago.i tells something about my husband and his father gave me 1 kg gold and 5 lakhs Indian father-in-law took my cash and gold to his daughter mother in law torture me many ways.sister-in-law's husband behaving me at vulgarly.After marriage my husband not good job,after 2 year got.. More

  • Her husband leaves the marital home for no valid reason

    asalamu aleikum wua rahmatullahi wua barakathu Dear Fatwa Comitee unfortunatly the behaviour of my husband becomes from bad to worse...when ever we face some problems or he gots angry ( wheter for a reason or not ) he behave very rude,insulting me with very bad words,never excuse him self after, refuse to discusse the problem for getting any solution.. More

  • She feels unable to return to her husband who beat her

    Salaams, I am seperated from my husband for 10months, he did not give me my talaaq i left on my own. Things got very ugly between us, my parents were involved he even lifted his hand on my mother. He has made maaf he wants us to try and reconsile but i do not want to go back. He says he want a valid reason that he can understand to why i do not want.. More

  • His wife refuses to let his father and step-mother live with them

    As salaam alaikum, My wife disobeys me whatever i says she do opposite and some time she listen also but i dont like whe she goes against my wishes. ex: i want peace in home between my wife and my father and my mama who is poor lives with us with family i want my mam to live with us as my dead mother last wish.but my wife goes against it. and when.. More

  • His wife refuses his call to bed until he adds her name to the deed of his house

    After 15 years of being marrried, a wife has told her husband that she will not sleep with him anymore, untill he adds her name to the title (ownership) of the house. She has not shared his bed for 2 months now. Is there a time limit after which they will be considered divorced, if she does not go back to be with him. Will he be justified in divorcing.. More

  • Discussing an argument about husbands disciplining their wives

    aoa,a lot of non-muslims debate on status of women in islam. especially about the permission given to husbands to hit their wives. as it is given in ayat 34 of surat nisa. the general condition most scholars set for 'hitting wives' is their being rebellious or being disobedient. some say that u have to hit some women to bring them to their senses... More

  • Khul’ takes place regardless what the wife intends

    Does divorce by khula' take place regardless of whether or not the conditions set by the husband are fullfilled? For eg a man asks for the mahr as well as the wife forfeiting her rights to some other money.. the wife gives back the mahr but in her heart she does not give up her right to the money. Does the khula' still take effect? The husband in this.. More