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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband and in-laws harm her and treat her unjustly

    Assalamoalaikum I have one cousine sister and she is married two years ago and Allah has blessed her with a daughter.From last two years her inlaws are taurturing her but she has never complained about it to any of our family members.Father in law has drinking habbit, sister in law is married but still not going to her sasural just bcoz she cant stay.. More

  • Afraid to join her uncaring husband in another country

    I have been married for over 18yrs., have 4 children, 1 entering college, 2 in highschool and 1 a 6th . My husband and I have been having some difference...becuz of his harshness toward me, not considering my feelings in making major discisions which affect all of the family. I have followed my husbands will so far. Recently ..we moved with him, then.. More

  • Worried about the validity of his marriage with his adulterous wife

    As-salaam waleh kum i have a question in my mind pls. help me regarding i got married in 2000 i have two kids but my wife never like me at all & since 7 month she had a affair with a men who are married.they both are had intercorce so many times as well as my wife had sex with me also but since 4 month she don't allow me to do any physical now. i just.. More

  • Her husband did not tell his new wife that he can not have children

    Im first wife of my husband and i know he can not have children,he told me about this before merryd,its also confirmed by doctors.He got merry second time but he didnt inform her that he can not have children.I feel in some way quilty that i am aware of my situation and she doesnt know anything and have hope that he will give her children.I feel sorry.. More

  • Mistreated by her husband who is inciting her children against her

    hello im a muslim of uk but have been married to a pakistani since 18 years who has all his life has given made me a mental paticent because of his bad attitude.he has made my kids against me and my mother wants me to leave him and return to uk. my kids are also starting to irritate me just like he did. i have become very sensitive and ill. what.. More

  • He divorced his 60 years old wife during his anger

    Assalam alikum Dear Mufti Sahab.. i have one question regarding talaq.. a old man because of his family problems (in anger) said infront of his sister..there is no relation between me and your bhabi.after few hours his wife offered him dinner. He said to his wife i don't want dinner I GAVE YOU TALAQ.. after this he left his house and went to his relatives.... More

  • A husband lying about what he intended by a metaphor of divorce

    Salam Alaikum,one ulama told me if some one utterered words of metaphor and his intention was to divorce his wife and he hide it within him self without telling anybody,then they call him and ask him what did you mean by these words because it's not clear,then if say i did not mean divorce i only use it as a threat,,please my question is, did he commit.. More

  • He and his loving wife often quarrel over simple matters

    Assalamu 'Alaikum Wa Rahmatullah. Iam having problems with my wife. She Alhamdulillah a loving wife. But Allah' A'lam we quarrel often. I ask her to pray on time ( just 30-40 mins after athan and to recite qur'an. but she says it is not easy for her to do so as she has to take care of our kids (Alhamdulillah Allah bless us with 2 kids 2 years and the.. More

  • Validity of a divorce given ignorantly

    alsalamu allaikum! my question is about divorce. If a man says to his wife" your are divorced" (verbally) one or two times out of anger (not knowing that divorce can be done verbally), is it still counted as a divorce if he honestly does not know? And if it's counted as a divorce, saying it twice at the same time, is that considered to be as verbal.. More

  • Deleted the e-mails of her husband's ex-girlfriend

    I found out that my husband was exchanging e-mails with his ex-girlfiend. I do not want this to ruine my marriage so I deleted the e-mails she sent him. Is this permissible? .. More

  • Bad behavior of ex-wife and her father

    Assalam aleikum wa rahmatullah, I wanted to ask about the stand of Shariaa from a wife that she just got the divorce from her husband, and from from her father, in the following context: - Her father who let her come back to the house of the man who just divorced her ? as she was under his responsibility after she got divorced ? Her father.. More

  • Her neglectful husband does not fulfill her rights

    I'm married for 10 years and have 4 kids. I work for my parents. Every month my salary is spent on fulfilling home requirments. i am left without a cent for myself. when i complain to husband that my salary is not enough to cover costs, he tells me to ask for a raise from my father. when i am ill, i have to beg him to take me to a doctor which he pospones.. More

  • Said to his wife 'If you woke up after nine you should be divorced'

    my wife is very lazy ...dosnt care even her one year child ...she always sleeeping day isaid to her ; from this day , if you woke up after nine morning ,,you should be divorced.....she only for twenty days did that ,,,then one day she woke after nine 40 ,,,,,is this adivorce case ...having in mind i never meant divorce it self ,,,just reforming.. More

  • Her mother-in-law wants to break up her marriage

    salam! My mother in law had objections on our marraige but still it was arranged, i had to wait 3 years after Nikkah.. for Rukhsati, so that my husband would convince his mother. but she did not agree at any cost and was persistant to divorce me. situation got worst, as i had aslo pressure form my family, but i did not leave my husband and remained.. More

  • Her husband is short tempered and does not like her food

    Igot childeren from my previouse marriage, and my new husband he gets verry quickly angry, i used to reply him ,but since my mum told me when he is angry or shouts just keep quite and dont talk to him, everytime i do the same sometimes i dont talk to him nearly week and he doesnt talk , am i wrong what am doing. he gets quick angry to the childeren.. More