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1517 fatwas

  • Wants to take Khul’ as she is not compatible with her husband

    Assalam alaykum, Let me first of all thank you for this great web site which help many muslims around the world. May Alah reward you for it Ameen. My question is as follow: I got married 2 months ago and from day one I noticed that I am not compatible with him. I tried my best but in vain. The man has good values and practices Islam as much as he can,.. More

  • Her husband asked her to go back to her parents

    salam, I would like to know if its important for the husband to say the word "TALAQ" in order to divorce his wife. or is it enough for him to say that he doesn't want to stay with her from now on. B'coz my friends husband is angry with her and told her to go back to her parents and he doesn't even want to see or talk to her. since 11 months they both.. More

  • A Fatwa board in her country decided her divorce

    My cousin is a muslim woman. She married almost 5 years ago. Her Husband is a powerfull & Ugly polititian in our country. After their marriage her husband did not bear any of her legal wants. Last 1 year her husband has no sextual relation with her. She wants divorce to him but he did not agree. After asking divorce to him her husband threated her.. More

  • Said to his wife ‘Has anybody touched you before our marriage?'

    Assalam u alaikum Dear Sir, If a husband said to his wife in anger "have anybody before our marriage touch you". Will this sentence have any impact / effect on the Nikkah. Allah hafiz.. More

  • Wants to divorce his wife because he doubts her love and loyalty

    I find myself in a most unusual of a situation. I am 22 and teacher in a university.before 6 months I came to know a muslim girl an age of 16 .until this time i donot have a girl friend or relation with the women.I say "alhamdulilah"but the problem has started when i fell in love with her.then i told her to marry me and she say ok.when i am ready.. More

  • Swore that he would leave his wife if she did something

    If a person swears that he will leave or that he and his wife will not continue together if she does something without his permission, is that considered as a divorse if she does something without his permission, although he did not directly say you will be divorced. If it is not considered as a divorse please advise what he has to do because of breaking.. More

  • The wisdom of specifying the mourning periods in Islam

    I am not muslim, but very interested in learning. I notice that the mourning periods following the loss of a family member are very specific. Could you explain how such specific times are established please as I am unable to see the logic and I know it is there somewhere. Thank you for your assistance.. More

  • Lost his mental balance, humiliated the Quran and divorced his wife

    i am 30 year old sunni muslim form india. i am married & i have a four children. when i am 15 years old my elder brother is dead. after his death i lose my mental balance & fear & afraid about death & lose my mental balance about 80% not 100% when i married my wife is not live with me before the 4 year of marriage than i see sex dream.. More

  • Questionable divorce

    My husband and I always fight, we are Muslims, he asked me money to go for a vacation, and I told him to write me (you are divorced) and he wrote it once, and he took the money and went on vacation, do you think I am divorce once, and what shall I do when he comes back from vacation. .. More

  • His wife claims he wrote divorce twice

    I am married with 3 children and was planning to divorce my wife on paper only so that I can marry someone overseas to bring them to the United States. I brought the divorce paper to my wife for her to sign but I did not sign it. Later on, I change my mind to marry again and my wife thru away the divorce papers. 3 years later, during an.. More

  • His wife compelled him to write her divorce

    Aslamo Alakum......I have a serious situation ,I and my wfie were living nicly but nearly one year before....she started fighting,insulting,and behaving agressively....after ,two or three months late,she started to ask me ,to divorce her,she started screaming,weeping,cursed,her behaviour became very agressive, it seemed that she is under much mental.. More

  • Her husband signed her divorce papers twice and does not respect Islam

    Asslamu Alykuom My husband wanted divors me by Swedesh law. we sighned on paper towis but we tooke it back. But he singthed again on paper but this time i was prgnant. I asked a imam he said you hade lost two talaaq. But becouse of you are pragnant you have one talaag left. but after four month i lost the child and one time we were with each other,.. More

  • Going out during her mourning period to get photos necessary for Hajj

    Salamualaikum Wa Rahmatullah......Praise be to Allah...... My dad was decided to go hajj next year with mom but as i said that he died just before few days, i want to ask that can my mom take pic for passport now or she have to wait for 4 months 10 days? She decided to go next year for hajj with my elder brother, can she take pic now or not? please.. More

  • Making fake divorce to bring his second wife to live with him

    I have two wives, one of whom lives back home and the other lives with me here, and the only way to bring her here is by pretending to divorce my first wife here, I was wondering if I went through a fake divorce with my first wife here to bring my second wife over. Would my fake divorce be considered as a real divorce in Islam? .. More

  • His wife does not want to live with him

    Asalam alaikum, I am married person and my wife doesnt want to live with me since last 2 years, i have tried my best but her behave is like she is asking for divorce, i have tried for intercource but no results mean she is not even agreed that i should touch her, she has said that i should marry someone else and free her, once she hae clearly said in.. More