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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband is a womanizer and a liar

    My husband and I fight all the time over the fact that he is a womanizer and a liar. He always feel the need to be wanted, I have caught him several times and forgave him because he says nothing happened. Over the past I have always said for us to go our separate ways, or ask him to divorce me, he never stated the words I divorce you but once, and I.. More

  • Feels unhappy with her husband and loves another man

    I am a married woman and i have one boy. I had so many problems with my husband. Those problems were mainly mental and verbal abuse, his ignoring me in bed, and lack of communication. To my culture's view, these are not valid or strong reasons for divorce so when i asked for it, many people tried to get us back together and telling me that he is not.. More

  • He repented but his wife does not want to come home

    Salamu aleikum My wife left me since a month and went back to her parents and wanted to divorce me because i was a bad husband. I didn't do my prayers, didn't spent enough time with her. Over the last weeks things have changed. I started praying again and everytime i ask forgiveness to Allah because i know i did wrong towards Him and my wife. My.. More

  • Repeatedly saying 'I divorce you' without intention

    I was married at 18 and was imature. i would repeatedly say 'i divorce you' whenever my husband and i argued and he would say it back though not realising the extent of what we uttererd or meaning it. Now that I am older I am worried that divorce has taken place and we are living in sin. Can we be forgiven? I cant go on with this doubt, we have 2 children.. More

  • Validity of Khul' granted by an Islamic court

    As Salam 'alaykum. I was married in the Sharia Court of UAE to a UK national as per Islamic law. This marriage lasted 36hours and he left saying there was a work related emergency and he would be back in 3 weeks-which never happened. During the next 2months he kept making excuses, probably with no intention of coming back. A lot of factors lead to the.. More

  • Used to say divorce to his wife during his anger

    my uncle and aunt (my father bro) were married 24 years ago, but they always quarreled with each other since 20 years, my uncle say talaq in anger many times whenever they quarelled, now the question is that my uncle is saving that i did it with anger, and my aunt does not want to live with him, she says talaq has been done, but there is no evidence.. More

  • His wife abuses him and does not respect his family

    Salaamoe aleikoem ya ahlul ilm. i have a family issue going on and i want some islamic advice how to te deal with this situation. im al hamdulilah maried for 4 years and i have one son who is 2 years old. The problem is that my wife has some conflicts with my mother, brother and sisters. There some things happend in the past but to much to tell.. More

  • Typed his wife's divorce on the computer and she read it later

    After some social problems I sent my wife back to his parents and write divorce three times but before I post the papers my wife told that she is pragnent therefore I didn't send the papers. Even I don't sign the papers but I have typed it myself on computer. When she come back she read the papers. Is the divorce applicable or not although I didn't.. More

  • Her husband divorced her one week after her miscarriage

    assalam,I live in uk and got married in India and came back alone due to visa restrictions and after coming back i found that i was pregnant.when i was 11 weeks pregnent i had miscarriage and one week later my husband divorced me. what i want to know is what will be my iddah period and i heard from some friends it will be 3 cycles but i have polysystic.. More

  • Her abusive husband preferred his relatives over her and his children

    asallamolaikum, i was a new revert at the time i got married. when i got married my husband was an illegal here in the states. i was never given a dowry. not even offered one. i was never given a wedding, honeymoon, when we married it was in city hall. i also didnt have a maharam (guardien). when i married my husband i later found out that he was.. More

  • Ruling on having witnesses when divorcing

    Then, when they have reached their term, take them back in kindness or part from them in kindness, and call to witness two just men among you, and keep your testimony upright for Allah. Whoso believeth in Allah and the Last Day is exhorted to act thus. And whosoever keepeth his duty to Allah, Allah will appoint a way out for him. - Al-Quran [65:2] I.. More

  • His wife attends a self-defence course without his permission

    Al Salam Allikom, I am a Muslim Arab who is living in a Foreign country, i was happily married to a non-Arab Muslim, until recently where my wife got attacked by a man, but al hamdullah nothing serious happen and he ran away, however after this incident my wife refuses to touch me or be intimate with me, and i totally understand because of the shock.. More

  • Her parents forbid her from traveling to join her husband

    Here it goes, I was married in Nov 06. Right now my husband and I are not together, still married though. When we had gotten married it was against parents wishes, to make that part of the story short my family forgave us and everything was ok, for the time being, but soon after our marriage things began to fall apart, see I got pregnant and my.. More

  • Be careful about the devil's whispers about divorce

    Salaam alay kum, I have a few questions related to divorce. Can you please tell me if any kind of divorce will take place in scenarios defined below: 1. I was having discussion with my wife regarding a possible divorce in future. I did not use the word 'Divorce' and just said that "We can try to see if things work lets say for 6 months or 1 year and.. More

  • Her husband wants to harm her financially and marry another wife

    Assalamu Alaykum, I am a pious Muslim woman of age 38 years. My husband and I have been married for 18 years and have 2 children. My husband put himself on a Muslim Matrimonial website and has been chatting with several women & promising them marriage. He sends his picture & they send him theirs. He also chats with them with web camera. I have told.. More