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1517 fatwas

  • A husband giving up his right of divorce

    salam brother, brother i want to know if it is allowed for a man to surrender the right to pronounce verbale divorce when both of the husband and wife donot want to keep this verbal divorce right,so as not to destroy a loving marrige in a foolish it allowed for me to cancel my right for verbal divorce when my wife is also very happy with it.we.. More

  • Said to his wife ‘you are free’

    if a man says to his wife do u want freedom? .you are free. but his intension is not to divorce her just telling her you can do your things freely my question is is that any kind of divorce does occur if his intension not to divorce her ?becuse some of scholars says in pakistan the word talaq mean in urdu free (azad) and by using these words talaq.. More

  • Her husband does not want children from her

    Asalamu alaikom I had converted to Islam for some years now ,Allhumdulilah. I live with my daughter and letter I got married with my husband and it is almost 3 years now and he do not tell his parent and he do not want to have children with me.i want to know about my right in this and this is halam or no what he doing. wasalam.. More

  • Wants to get rid of her abusive husband

    Assalaam Alikum.I am 35 years. For all these years of my marriage I have endured the ever worsening behavior of my husband.I am sick and tired of all the physical,psycological and emotional violence. I stay with him to protect my 2 boys.My husband every year tries to make me go back to my country,somehow obstacles come and I not go.Then he blames me.I.. More

  • Wants to move out of her husband’s house to save her faith and to force him to follow the Sunnah

    salam, i have a very big cocern about my husbad who does not follow the sunnah. we live in a non-muslim country. i have been married with him almost a year. i have been telling him to please stop photo coppying picture of movies and get money from it, and to please start studing islam. however he has not yet accepted. i used everything i can but nothing.. More

  • This is not a conditional divorce

    Assalamu Alaikum, I wrote to you before about speaking to men over the internet and whether or not I was obliged to tell my husband. And you told me no alhamdulillah. Well I heard a talk today which has worried me a lot. I heard that if the husband makes a condition and the wife breaks it, then she is divorced. Well now I am unsure whether my husband.. More

  • Wants to divorce her non-practicing dishonest husband

    as salamu alaikum , i am a sister that ' s trying to practie the deen and my gaol is how to be clser to Allah . but my problem is that my husband is too much invole in the DUNIY. He works days and night ,he only come back home just to sleep and go back at work and also he doesn'nt talke to me ,he does'nt spend nothing on me i pay the food we eat and.. More

  • Separated from her husband and wants to resume marital life with him

    My husband and I are separated and we want to get back together. However, when I left I told the authorities (in Germany) and other people helping me that my husband hit me and was abusive, which is all true. If I immediately return to him with the children (5), I will lose my credibility with all of the people who have helped me, and perhaps they will.. More

  • Divorced his abnormal wife but her family denies his divorce

    As salam u alaikum. I was married to an abnormal person, thought that it is my fate, and started my career with her, from the very beginning it was as such that she would not sleep the whole night and would feel un easiness for which I went to the doctors who after her examine find that she is abnormal, and asked me to find her family history and then.. More

  • His wife does not wear Hijab and treats him indifferently

    I married six years back. My wife is a converted Muslim. Alhamdulillah, I have a son of 1 yr. I work in a Pvt. Co. and she is also working with another co. My problem is my wife and her casual approach and attitude towards me and her life. My parents were not in favour of this marriage and still they are not supportive. Since marriage itself, she is.. More

  • Her husband does not like her to help her parents financially

    Assalamu Alaikum Mr. Burhan, This is VERY URGENT. Please reply as soon as possible. I live with my husband, and I work in a law firm. My husband believes tha money is everything and only then comes anything else in this world. There are two problems: 1 - I earn 4000 Dhs, but I did not tell him that. I said I earn only 3000, so that I can send more.. More

  • Her husband is addicted to masturbation

    I am married since 6 years. Have 3 kids. Since marraige my husband has the habit to masturbate. Its only me who has to desire to have sex. If I dont desire he will only masturbate. How long the marraige is valid without sex. I heard a marraige is not valid if sexual relation does not prevail for more than 3 months. Is this right? What can I do about.. More

  • Said to his wife ‘you are divorced’ while drunk

    I married a khan girl, I luv against her parents' wish, thru proper Islamic Channel. Later her parents probably accepted the marriage and started visiting us. Further they asked me to send my wife to her paternal house for some days,which I did. But a day before her return, she started to disrespect me on phone. And on day of her return because upset.. More

  • Her husband refuses to divorce her without taking compensation

    my husband is refusing to give me talaak just to punish me. he has agreed for the court divorce though. we have not been living together for the past 8 months n hes staying with another woman who he had an affair with, thus the reason for our separation. now he wants money from me n threatens that unless i give me half of my weath, he wont give me.. More

  • She no longer trusts her husband

    I am a new muslim and trying to lead a life as a good muslim woman, actually it was my husband's good moral behaviour and character that first attracted me to Islam and also to him. We got married after 6 years of knowing each other and overcoming a lot of hassels. We were leading a very contended and a happy life until our daughter was born a few months.. More