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1517 fatwas

  • Husband denies uttering divorce though wife says she heard them

    Assalaamu alaykum. In an argument, I heard my husband whisper, "I divorce you," but a day later, when I asked him about that, he said that he did not intend to divorce so he did not complete the word 'talaq' (divorce) in his mouth. However, I heard him whisper the complete word, so I asked him again but he swore that he did not complete the word talaq... More

  • Divorce issued by non-Islamic courts not effective

    Asalamu Alaikum. I have been seperated for nearly 6yrs this May.In 2013 i started Khula proceedings,Th Sharia council sent one letter to my husband. I cancelled the following letters as i still have feelings for him. I did salat istalkhara and allso Dua'a Hajat and got negative answers.The marriage was abusive.still he has a hold over me i cant understand.. More

  • Difference between conditional divorce and promise of divorce

    As-salamu alaikum, i do not understand the difference between conditional divorce and promise of divorce. I have read a few fatawa and sometimes some expressions in the future form count as conditional divorce and sometimes as a promise of divorce, where divorce does not take place.Furthermore if i speak with my wife and we speak about bad behaviour.. More

  • Her husband persistently commits adultery and drinks alcohol

    I am a muslimuh american living in an arabic country with my Arabic husband. I love him very much but he has been unfaithful for many years and i have forgiven him many times. We have 4 kids. He divorced me twice before for no reason only to find out he was cheating and confused. I forgave him each time. I feel i am patient but im at a lost and maybe.. More

  • Woman divorces herself irrevocably after being authorized by husband

    Assalamualaikum ImamI hope and pray you are well. Imam my sister have been to the Sharia council and send divorce to her husband on the 26th of May 2015 (first divorce). In the divorce letter its mention“On the 28/6/2015 the above mentioned wife called at our office and testified that on 26/05/2015 she divorced herself from her mentioned husband irrevocably.. More

  • Divorce is better than taking off the Hijab

    Is it permissible for a Muslim woman to take off her hijab because her husband does not perform the prayer — but he does not prevent her from performing prayer and fasting — and he is determined that she should take off her hijab under the pretext that it detracts from her beauty? Moreover, he feels embarrassed when he travels abroad with her. Please.. More

  • Her husband spends more on relatives than wife and daughter

    Assalam o alaikumI am 31 year old married Muslimah with one daughter. I was married about four years ago. My nikkah took place in 2011 and I did not want to marry my husband because I did not like him physically. I did not even like his family. He is the head of the household since his father abandoned his mother and his brothers and sisters many years.. More

  • Her husband fornicates, lies and denies her right to childbirth

    Assalamu Alaikum , I'm the second wife of my husband.His first wife left him and went to her parents house with 3 kids .His parents sent proposal to my parents through a marriage bureau. Just after 2nd day of my marriage I have seen so many miss calls on his mobile, after 20 days I received her call at 2 am when my husband was sleeping..she said I'm.. More

  • Wife's guardian is not entitled to issue her divorce

    As salaam Alkauim. My husband went away to prison and I asked for a divorce after for 7 years. In our 5 year of marriage I wanted out. My husband refused to give me a divorce. So I divorce him through the law of the land because we got married about ways. I then went to the Iman in my community and he refused to divorce me and suggested that I wait.. More

  • Her husband brings home a non-Muslim man to drink alcohol with

    As Salaamu AlaykumA sister just told me that her husband drink alcohol 3 times a week, get home at 3 am and sometimes bring a non Muslim man with him to drink at home. She looks herself and two small children in her room because sometimes her husband fall sleep and the his non Muslim friend stays wake walking around their home.She has tried many times.. More

  • Considering remarrying ex-husband with drug habit for sake of children

    I have been married for 5 years with 2 little girls. My ex-husband divorced me a year and a half ago and since then he has been trying to get married again. We divorced because of his drug use( marijuana) and because I have been the sole provider financially since we got married. Also he kept his drug habit hidden from me until we were already married... More

  • Her husband said to her "I don't want a wife like you"

    Assalamu alaikum, Sheikh Some women told me that once her husband said to her I do not want like you, then again I don't want like you, so she asked a very great and knowledgeable alim that her husband said to her I don't want like you, but she kept quite then alim said to her if your husband said I do not want like you and then if you had said him.. More

  • If wife chooses divorce after husband puts the matter in her hands

    Assalamu Alaikum,Sheikh during in verbal fight if husband says to his wife you want to live with me or your brother, choose one, and then he gives options to his wife that ifyou want to live with me then you have to choose one right now.Then, wife says that she swears to Allah that she wants to live with her brother, And ,at the moment, she really intended.. More

  • Person who has had HPV may marry after informing would-be spouse

    Can I get married knowing that i was infected by the hpv? The problem with hpv is that you cannot be 100% sure that the virus is gone even if the symptoms have disappeared. .. More

  • How to deal with a rebellious non-Muslim wife

    I am Iyas by name,married to a christian wife and our 1 year marriage anniversary is in a few days.However, I noticed this sudden change in my wife after marrying her and all her promises before the marriage seems to be a ploy to lure me into this marriage believing is the truth,though i love her.To shorten long stories,here are the problems am facing.. More