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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband insists that she tells him of her sins

    I was in an abusive marriage for 11 years. I divorced, but still had ties to my ex because of no social support. Soon after the divorce I met a man who wanted to marry me. I told him about my situation, and even though it was hard for him he tried to support me while I cut ties with my ex fully. He lived in another country. We married after making istikhara... More

  • Husband says he did not intend conditional divorce

    3 years ago in an argument my brother said leave the room I said no I want to sit but he said leave then my husband said if she leaves she is divorced then again my brother said leave or I would slap you. I got nervousand left with out keeping in my mind what my husband said (I did not know a lot about this divorce but at that time I was not a concern.. More

  • Her husband asks her to go to him in his home country after long separation

    Asalam alikum shaykh There is a couple i know that are separated (not divorced) for about 8 years. The separation was due to husbands bad behavior with wife and kids. Husband left his wife and kids and went backhome. Since then he had not given them a single penny. Now the husband is calling his wife back to his bckhome country. Wife is scared of her.. More

  • His wife taunts him because he was an adopted child

    assalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wbarakatu! im a 35yr old muslim man ,i have been married for 5yrs.prior to my wedding at the age of 30yr ,i had found out that i was an adopted child.after getting married my wife and i have and arguments every now and wife keeps insulting me ,about being adopted,and how not even my real parents ever wanted me.and.. More

  • How to deal with a lying, disrespectful wife

    As with any person we have both good habits and habits that we need to improve. My wife has a habit of answering back at everything including infront of the children. She is also disobedient in terms of the house duties and has replied to me saying, "Where in Islam does it say that a woman has to obey her husband?" She also has a habit of lying and.. More

  • A written divorce takes place if the husband intends it

    As Salam mualaikum warah mathullah wa barakatuhu dear brothers. I wanted to ask you about a very serious situation. My cousin divorced my sister. first of all; before he hit her he said, he is tired of her, and wants to divorce her; then proceeded to hit her. (To the nearest translation) Then he sent a talak notice via text message. He sent the text.. More

  • Endowning the wife the right to divorce in marriage contract

    Asallam U Alaikum, When I got married my parents put in the marriage contract the right of khula or a stipulation that I had the right to divorce. I heard it mentioned in the contract to me but I didn't know what it entailed as I was ignorant about these issues. In the start of my marriage I had many arguments with my husband and I'm not sure how many.. More

  • Husband allegedly involved in extramarital affairs

    I want to ask . what should i do when my husband is repeatedly cheating me? He keep chatting other womens ad calling his XGirlfriends, when i asked him to stop he promised but again he did the same , i always forgive him even when he did adultery act force fully with my elder sister, i told him it is a big Sin , he apologized and i forgiven him, but.. More

  • Divorced his wife before consummating marriage and wants to take her back

    Assalamu alikum, following situation is very important for two families. There is a brother whose nikah was done when both the girl and the boy were 12 to 14 years approx. But the families postpone the consummation of marriage or Rukhsati for a later time. Later on when the girl became mature, she said I will not marry this guy, the guy did not wanted.. More

  • Repeating the word of divorce without intending emphasis or issuing a new divorce

    I have asked a question twice and I have been redirected to some fatwas. I have read all these fatwas but the question which I am asking is not one of these. After reading the fatwas I have found that If somebody intended to emphasize on the first utterance in this case divorce is counted as one. Similarly if he hasn't intended any number it counts.. More

  • Divorce is not always the best option for a bad marriage

    My husband and i are married for 20 yrs and have 3 kids...we had a very depressing conflicting life .he neglected me alot and because of this i went to have male friends through net about 3 yrs back just for friend ship but eneded up having illicit relationship. About 6 months baxk i came to know my husband having an affair with a married woman and.. More

  • Divorce in the present tense is an indirect pronouncement of divorce

    AoA, Shaykh please guide meI am so in pain and please answer me as soon as possible, because it would be my 3rd talaq if this counts. Allah rewards you the best. In an argument he said in his mouth a complete sentence in urdu language ,main tumein ta la .q. di, I divorce you but when he said word talaq he made tiny pauses like ta la. q. After 3 days.. More

  • When wife is harmed by husband who smokes and refuses to quit

    Assalamu alaikum, I married a Muslim guy whom I knew he was a smoker. He promised me to never smoke in the house and to clean his mouth after smoking and showed me a great will to quit this vile habit. After marriage, he kept smoking inside the house and car, rarely cleaned himself or mouth of the dreadful smell (his mouth smells like a dead rat in.. More

  • Providing for wife and children takes precedence over providing for parents

    When i was with my husband in abroad, my m-in-law lied with my husband about me. So, unnecessary he quarreled with me. So i came back to india alone. We dint speak with each other for six months. After six months when i asked about money he said that he left the job 6months before. When i saw his bank transactions since six months all the money went.. More

  • Intending divorce while saying a word that has nothing to do with divorce

    I have a question in many of your answer you say words of divorce requires intention but what if someones has intention but says words that are not in anyway considered direct or metaphors like a word that rhymes with divorce like takor (which means to be soothed in punjabi and has nothing to do with divorce in itself) and as the person says it he realizes.. More