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1517 fatwas

  • Her husband insists on divorcing her though she has become obedient

    Me & my husband have been married for a year & 8 months. My husband wants divorce from me because of past mistakes like me being disobedient for example. I had since reformed myself & went 2 therapy for 2 months and returned back to obedience. He refuses to sleep in the bed with me because of all the arguments. He refuses to get help for.. More

  • He pronounced explicit divorce out of anger

    Aslamualaikum, I, my father, my wife and my father-in-law all sat together to discuss about strained behavior going on between me and my wife for the last many days, at my home on June 2, 2013. While discussing the matter, conversation between me and my wife suddenly got heated up. As a result, in anger I pronounced to her, “I did divorce you”... More

  • Ruling on giving wife authority to divorce herself

    My friend 33 (M) had been married for three and half years now but could have no good terms with wife. She went to her mother's and from there sent a divorce letter with clearly written ‘1, 2, and 3 counts of divorce is hereby given by me to my husband’. The marriage registrar registered the divorce, and a copy was sent to the husband by post. It.. More

  • Conditional divorce interpreted according to intentions

    AoA Mufti Sb My name is Atif Hameed Bhatti and live in Islamabad, Pakistan. I need a FATWA regarding TALAQ (Divorce) Since my marriage for almost 8 years time, my wife has always been fighting with me and does not listen to whatever I say to her. Now for almost 2 years , she is living in a separate rented house with my 2 kids. She is living there alone... More

  • Menses came right after pronunciation of divorce

    I am a English revert and please help me. I married my husband and asked for a divorce a few months later because i did not feel Physically attracted to him. He gave me a divorce. We returned back together before my Idda finished and then later again divorced. About half hour later i went to the toilet and found i started my menses. We returned again.. More

  • His wife chats with non-Mahram men

    salams plse advise i feel like im in abreaking point .. i really love my wife and we are happily married for 5 months my wife is 3 mnths pregnant she is 23 and im 30 years old ..the problem is my wife still keeps her old whattsapp number and chats to some men who she says are her cousins nephews or her former classmates. everytime i asked her to stop.. More

  • Pronouncing divorce under the influence of sleeping pills

    I have been married for around 10 years now. I gave my wife two divorce notices by my lawyer with a gap of one month in past. We had a riju then. We had two daughters out of this wedlock. After 7 years of my marriage my wife disobeyed me again due to which I got so angry that I lost control on myself, went into extreme anger, I broke almost all my bedroom,.. More

  • Her husband has attention deficit disorder

    Assalamualikum I have been married one year.My husband has not been able to financially provide for me. He also is not able to take care of himself and his health and look after me. He is happy with me but I was never finding sakinah in the marriage. I started researching on the internet and found that he has Attention defecit disorder. I asked a local.. More

  • He uttered non-explicit words of divorce without intention

    salahu aleykum shiekh, i would like to ask some questions, me and my wife had an argument about my ex wife and things got heated she kept saying that i love her which is not true how can i love someone that i am not married to? sheikh this is what i said to her whilst arguing“ i am leaving you and going to my dads house and maybe other words that.. More

  • A forced Khul' is invalid

    I have been married for twenty years and have four childrens 2 girls,2 boys.My husband gave first talak last year did ruzu next day. he gave second talak on 16 feb 2013.since then we are staying seprate and he is not providing money for me and childrens. On 18 march he came in the night and started to force me in front of my children's and said if I.. More

  • An abused wife may ask for Khul'

    assalamalaikum,im married since 2009 but i left my husband 2011 because of mentally,emotionally and physically abusive husband and i can't take living with his brother on the same house.we are planning to get divorce but we found out that i was pregnant that time so divorce was cancelled but still i live alone on the whole pregnancy and he never give.. More

  • His wife has a mental disorder that he didn't know of at time of marriage

    I have married on 2nd june 2013, after that i observ she is suffering from mental problem for last 10 years but her parents suppressed the fact before begining matrimonial negotiation. Her behaviour is not tolerable. As she is suffering from mental disorder. I feel i cannot continue my life with her. Doctor also does not give any assurance regarding.. More

  • Ruling on separation from husband for years without divorce

    Salam alikum dear shikh I am 36 years old and a mother of four children Mashallah .any way I have been saprated from my husband 7 years ago after having very hard time with him.I am not thinking to go back to him .his remmarge to a new wife and the kids go to see him.he didn't give me divorce and I didn't ask for it becuse I am just focus on my children.. More

  • Divorce after 'Iddah is of no significance

    Salaamualaikum; Am a Hanafi sunni Muslim, I had given TALAQ telephonic to my wife on 5th February 2013 (She was nor on menstrual periods neither pregnant) , later in due time of three menstrual period of her, I did not said or done any RUJU (we were staying in two different cities in due time), after completion of 3 months from the date of TALAQ pronounced,.. More

  • A husband saying to his wife 'You can divorce me'

    1)If a man says to his wife: "If you do not want to be with me, then you can divorce me, I do not intend to divorce you" And then the woman says, "you can be sure that I take from you a divorce" But they both thought that it was all the same to what she says it does not matter because the woman can not take a divorce. Neither of them did not know that.. More