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1517 fatwas

  • Separation does not mean divorce

    I am married since 13 years with an egytian he`s a "we can say moslem" ,we have a daughter 12 years old. I am muslim since 2 weeks. I live with my husband since a half year as divorced, i live even in the livingroom since then, my husband is not kind to me,very nervous and i trust since a long time no more his words i discovered through years that he.. More

  • In divorce, it is the husband's word that counts

    salam wallikum ..a divorce saman a person from court came but i was not at home stating that your husband has sent it, but when i spoke to my husband he said that he did not sent it and he dose not want to divorce me, he said it could be his family, but after that I did not hear from him now he is saying that his affair with bhabhi should agreed by.. More

  • A recalcitrant wife loses her marital rights

    I have a colleague who has left her house leaving her husband alone. Though her husband pestered her to come home, she insisted staying away and subsequently filed for a divorce. She and her husband met at the syariah court and her husband refused to let her go on the ground that he is not guilty of anything and that he still loves her. During this.. More

  • A written divorce with intention counts as divorce

    on the day of travelling abroad i divorced my wife in the court without knowing her, in the court paper it was written 3 divorced but i did not pronounced it.My family told her later about the divorce but she did not received divorce paper sent by courier on purpose. Even union council has issued a final divorce certificate. Now it has been 5 months.. More

  • Conditions of the validity of Khul’

    Assalamualailum, I have few doubts in regards to Khula -Talaq-Marriage. My friend married a girl 3 years back. This was against both the parents wish and knowledge. They both dint tell at their homes regarding their marriage and stayed in their respective parents homes. When the parents came to know about their marriage , the girls father asked his.. More

  • A woman asking for Khul' may relinquish her delayed Mahr

    Assalaam u alaikum, Can you please tell me that if a husband does not give his wife mahr although it has been specified in the contract and she wants a divorce, does she have to buy back her freedom or can she simple ask for divorce? Jazak Allahu Khayr. .. More

  • Confused whether her divorce was Talaaq or Khul'

    asalam-o-alaikum my husband was very short temperd and harsh and not used to fulfil his responsibilities as a husband and was also used to do verbal, physical and mental torture inspite of my every effort to keep him happy.even he didnt spend a peny on me, rather used my ATM & credit cards. ultimately my family came to knew this all. evry one tried.. More

  • Repeating word of divorce thrice for emphasis

    Is it true that in hanbali fiqh/madhab that if a person repeats talaq due to emphasis then it is considered as one and not three like what hanafi's say? If so, can you please provide me with evidence supporting hanbali madhab regarding this question. Jazzakallah Khairun for all your support .. More

  • Her husband told her, 'I divorced you with all three'

    My husband had divorced me before, when I was ALONE no WHITNESES. but said may full name and said I devorced u with all THREE. and I know the words and understand them. when the morning came, I called my family to take me away, I was taken by my family. he was asked to leave too because the house belongs to my family.but he was told, if you can proof.. More

  • Her husband wants her to watch TV and not learn the Quran

    Assalam Alaikum Respectable Sheikh, My husband does not want me to increase my Islamic knowledge.. Other days when he does a evil deed, like listening to music & when I dislike it first thing he does is hide my computer , because, online 96% I use it for learning quranic arabic, listening to Mufti Menk, Ask huda programme.. My husband does not pray.. More

  • Her husband does not provide for his children and abuses them

    I'm a muslim woman, married to a muslim man. I've been the main provider, protector and maintainer of our family. I had to work because my husband wanted to do his own business and he said he couldn't provide for us because his business wasn't making enough money. This situation has continued for 20 years of our marriage. I had to do all the cooking,.. More

  • His wife asked 'Are we divorced?' and he said 'Yes'

    My wife and I ran in to trouble because of my ex-wife. Because she was making a lot of trouble my new wife got depressed about it and started talking about a divorce - not because we don't love eachother but because the situation is too complicated. We met to discuss the matter of divorce. On the same occasion we kissed and we were not fighting. When.. More

  • Having intercourse with husband has no effect on wife's Khul’ case

    After ten years of constantly trying (and two kids) I have determined there is no peace left in my marriage. We have both tried our best to overcome our problems yet we are still unable to come to a solution same as the first week we married. I'm taking my husband to court for khulu although he is not accepting, I am finished. I know for men, if they.. More

  • A troubled marriage because of arguing over money

    Salaam my question is pretty complex but i do not know what to do. I have Masshallah been married now for 2 years and Mashallah I felt so blessed, but since marriage my [partner and i seem to argue and always it comes down to money. I am not in a good position and have financial difficulties and prior before marriage same situation but Mashallah Allah.. More

  • His wife obeys her mother rather than him

    i gave divorce to my wife due to disobeying me, and giving her mother preference over me by listening to her and do as she pleases, and she doesn't sleep with me on her command for several months because her mother doesn't want me to live in the accommodation we jointly hold. i gave her written divorce 2 months back, and now i want to reconcile but.. More