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Is it HARAM to have CHEESE made from CALF RENNET?.. More
I live with a non-Muslim. Is it permissible for me to eat what he cooks knowing that he only cooks Halaal (lawful) meat. There is unlawful meat like pork?
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There were a couple of times I ate something and after a couple of bites, I remembered to check for gelatin and there was a couple of times I found that there was gelatin in it. I said -alstagfurallah-, and I was wondering if I had to do anything else as a -kaffarah- or anything like that. Is it ok to eat from fast food restaurants in the U.S? Mostly,.. More
I know that fish is Halal for Muslims. Please tell me if shrimp, clams, crab meat and sea foods are also Halal. Let me know specifically which is Halal and which is Haram... More
How do you check the halal food among the commodities coming from different countries? Can you also name the so-called additives that are haram but are added to the foodstuffs that every Muslim must be careful of and avoid.
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Can we eat meat in this country even if we don't know if its halal?
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Why is wine forbidden by Islam?
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Dear respected Brothers in Islam, Assalamou Alikou wa Rahmat Allah! Thank you so much for you effort to build up this site to help all Muslims to understand their religion and follow the right path. I live in England, and would like to ask about eating in the restaurants, such as MacDonalds, Kentucky Fried Chicken. They offer meals of beef and chicken:.. More
While the pork was made haraam long before hajjatul wadaa the ayah stating this is said to have been revealed on hajjatul wadaa' of prophet (saaws) as the last ayah revealed. How is this? Please reply in full details with substantiation from Qur'an, sunnah and views of ulama. jazakumallah khayran!
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Some Imams say that we have the possibility to eat meat without being sure that it is Halal or not. In that case,we are to simply pronounce the name of Allah. I was surprised about this opinion. So what do you think about this? Thank you... More
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