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I have been eating a dish from a restaurant for i while now because I heard that it was halal. But i recently found out that this restaurant is not halal in my country. What should I do?
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Is there any limit in eating meals in islam? I eat 5 to 6 small meals everyday. I also make sure that I'm not extravagant in these meals. As Allah mentioned he doesn't like those who are extravagant. Is there any number of meals prescribed in Islam?. Can i eat meals when i wish but without being extravagant.
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Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarokatuh. I want to ask. What is the ruling on disposing a product's package that word حلال or halal label is written on it or word علماء is written on it?Shukron.
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Will the duas of someone who has consumed alcohol not be accepted for 40 days? Can someone who has consumed alcohol within the last 40 days ask someone else to pray dua for them?
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Salaam,Is it halal to eat food that was cooked in oil that could have come into contact with oil that has been used to fry non-halal chicken? The restaurant says that 'this can occur during the filtration process for the oil' and that 'every effort is made during oil filtration to keep the oils separate but we cannot guarantee that cross contamination.. More
Assalamualaikum sheikh. I'm in a great problem nowadays. I'm really depressed about a matter. Recently I've come to know that nutmeg and mace are haram . But it's very widespread in our country. It's really difficult to avoid it completely. Yesterday I was about to eat nutmeg by mistake which was mixed with rice I threw it but ate the rest of the rice.. More
SalamI work at an ice-cream shop where two ice cream flavours have alcohol in them. I was wondering if the money I get from this shop is halal or haram considering these items have alcohol in them.
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Alsalam Alikom Is Fermented sugarcane Reb MAnd Erythritol halal to consume.Jazakum Allah khairan
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Assalamu Aleykum. is it halal to eat snacks with enzymes in the ingredients. For exemple the nacho cheese flavored doritos chips from where i'm from (Canada) doesn't have pork enzymes but it may have enzymes from other animals. And what about the cheese. Is it okay to eat cheese made from animal rennet?.. More
Assalamu’alaykumWhat is the ruling on consuming nabidh from soaked grapes/dates/any other fruit that has been fermented for over 3 days? We usually soaked some fruit with water and let them to be fermented for several days until a foam/froth formed on top of the fluid, then using it as a natural yeast for bread leavening agent (as a substitution for.. More
Firstly, I am a revert so my parents are not Muslim they are Catholic. I want to know the ruling on buying pork for my elderly parents when asked? I politely refused to do it and bought the other shopping she requested. But , she asked "why wouldn't you do this for your elderly mother?". It felt wrong to buy the pork but I also feel guilt not helping.. More
What is the permissible amount that we can store of our daily necessary things like food, groceries, cleaning materials etc for the quarantine period during the Corona virus epidemic? (especially when there is a possibility of running out these things)
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Assalamu Alaykum
Kitkat which is a nestle product uses ethyl alcohol that does not exceed 1% of the final product. They use the ethyl alcohol as a carrier (to carry flavour). It’s possible that there may be some very small amounts of alcohol left in the final product. The alcohol is not a fermentable or drinking alcohol.
The company says that during.. More
Assalamu alaikum, I work at group home where they serve pork. So I told them when I was Starting that I will not make pork. One day I had to Mae their dinner and I t had pork in it. I used gloves and I served it, so did I sin?
The main question is Haram to work at this kinda place even when I am not the person serving the pork?
Jazakumullahu khayr
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Salam aleykum wa rahmatullah. May Allah bless and reward you for your efforts. My question is to do with my work. I wear gloves and prepare pizzas in a place that serves pizza to customers but amongst it’s most favourite and popular pizzas are pizzas that have pork on them, i want to know if working in this place is haram and if my income will be.. More
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