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Aselamu Aleykum I am from Ethiopia. where I am from, Christians slaughter animals in the name of "God, the Son and the Spirit" or "in the name of the Three" and once a friend told me that Christians today are not the same as in the time of the Prophet
and it is forbidden to eat meat from what they slaughtered. as mentioned in the Qur'an "it is.. More
As salam o alaikum,I am a software engineer working for a retail company. They deal with a lot of items including edible which are both halal and haram. I am currently working in a project (which is temporary) which creates some reports for the plants that manufacture haram food. Is it okay to work there.
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Is it fard to Read the ingridiens of all the food i eat it IF i am doubtfull
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I have been eating a dish from a restaurant for i while now because I heard that it was halal. But i recently found out that this restaurant is not halal in my country. What should I do?
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Will the duas of someone who has consumed alcohol not be accepted for 40 days? Can someone who has consumed alcohol within the last 40 days ask someone else to pray dua for them?
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SalamI work at an ice-cream shop where two ice cream flavours have alcohol in them. I was wondering if the money I get from this shop is halal or haram considering these items have alcohol in them.
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Alsalam Alikom Is Fermented sugarcane Reb MAnd Erythritol halal to consume.Jazakum Allah khairan
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Assalamu’alaykumWhat is the ruling on consuming nabidh from soaked grapes/dates/any other fruit that has been fermented for over 3 days? We usually soaked some fruit with water and let them to be fermented for several days until a foam/froth formed on top of the fluid, then using it as a natural yeast for bread leavening agent (as a substitution for.. More
Assalamu Alaykum
Kitkat which is a nestle product uses ethyl alcohol that does not exceed 1% of the final product. They use the ethyl alcohol as a carrier (to carry flavour). It’s possible that there may be some very small amounts of alcohol left in the final product. The alcohol is not a fermentable or drinking alcohol.
The company says that during.. More
Is it permissible to throw food that is contamined with impurity, if it is not possible to clean it?. Or maybe just throw the part that is contamined
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I understand that vinegar which is deliberately made from alcohol is haraam for one to consume. But is it also najis?
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Is it permissible to eat from a place where pork is served if I only eat from the places that does not serve pork? My university dining hall has several restaurants. These restaurants have pork in their menus on certain days. I only eat from a restaurant if it is not serving pork that day. The cook makes the food in front of us so I dont see cross contaminati.. More
Previously I learnt that majority of scholars held whey is haram. Then due to this I made a vow to Allah swt to avoid it. but now Ive realised its in so many of my favourite foods so can i start eating it again and expiate for it? Salam
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Asalamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh, nowadays there are many foods like sweets or drinks that have certain indregends that can be made from plants but also animals. The problem is that many times it does not say wether it is made out of plants or animal indregends. If i have a drink for example and there is something in it that I am doubtful.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. Someone got me a half-chicken/half-vegan pizza, which was kind, but is having chicken only on half a side while the other side does not have chicken halal? I did not eat the pizza as I think that it is haram, but I am unsure of it.
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