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5673 fatwas

  • Wants to Marry His Wife’s Sister

    Aslam O AliekumIs there any permission for Muslim man to marry 2 sisters , But they are step sisters , From same mother but not same Father ? Hope you understand my question , Thanks Jazak Allah .. More

  • Believes that Marrying A Girl without Her Wali Is Permissible and Follows Concessions

    Sheikh i used to believe that marrying a girl without a wali but with two witnesses is haram but later i changed my view that marrying a girl without her wali but with two adult witnesses as halal and i believe that by following abu hanifas opinion did i commit kufr by holding such opinion kindly clarify .. More

  • Divorcee Doesn’t Know How and Where to Spend the ‘Iddah

    Salam Alaykum waramatullahi wabarakatuh Good day I have a question I’m a new muslim 4years now and my husband born arab muslim he divorce me for the first time only by word yesterday he ask me if to ask if it’s obligatory to stay until my iddah finished because he said if it’s obligatory he will allow me to stay in his home but if not I can leave.. More

  • Eavesdropping on Family Conversations while they Are Talking about Her

    Is it allowed to hear my family conversation?. If they are talking to someone regarding my marriage without my concern.? Sometimes i feel its ok what i can do hearing the talks? I believe almighty allah is best planner. And sometimes iam confused that its regarding my future so i should. .... please help me . I pray to allah may your answer guide me.. More

  • He Is Short-Tempered But Is Trying to Improve

    I used to be short-tempered but now I'm trying to improve. Should we apologise to others for being rude? Sometimes I use loud or rude tone but later realize I've to be careful. Driver was about to start driving the car and I was holding the door to enter in the car, so I said it rudely "what has happened" now I'm thinking I should not have behaved like.. More

  • Abundant Research About Divorce and Its Metaphors

    I have waswaas about divorce in agreat deal, i always try to read fatwas about divorce as i read i read in aloud voice and sometime i write aquestion about divorce to ask on islamic websites and when i confirm the question before i send i read in aloud voice and sometimes i try to ask google the correct meaning of the words of divorce in my mother tongue.. More

  • Husband Said Divorce Many Times while Angry

    Aslaam walikum My question is my friends husband has said talaq a few time and also in english. She believes he has divorced her but the husband says it wasn't. He has said it 3 times even more out of anger when it wasn't my friends fault he wanted her money please can u advice as she believes she is divorced and he doesn't .. More

  • Husband Said to Her: 'Fine, We'll Get a Divorce'

    My husband and I had many arguments and I provoked him by saying 'just divorce me if you don't want this' and out of anger he said something like 'fine, we'll get a divorce' once and 'ok, we'll part ways' on another occasion. However, he clarified that he had no intentions of divorcing me, and it was all out of anger and my provocation. Is my marriage.. More

  • Naming a New-Born Baby-Girl Inayah

    Assalamo alaikum,Can i give my baby girl name of 'inaya' in arabic it means 'care' and in herbew it means 'God answered'. Could you please suggest me any names which means "Gift of Allah" ?Jazakallu khairan .. More

  • Wearing an Abaya That Has a Sheer Part

    Assalam walaykum, can I wear an abaya that has a sheer part in the bottom that I can wear a pair of loose pants underneath and it has shining gems/sequences on the end part of the sleeves and also above the sheer part. I dont have another abaya and I want a jilbaab but not only will my parents need to give it to the tailors but I haven't even bought.. More

  • Husband Concealed Disease from His Wife when He Married Her

    If a woman has married to his husband for 6 years and the husband has Hbv but he didn’t tell her and didn’t protect her either. When she found out dose she has the right to ask for divorce.Must the women ask for a divorce even if she wants to stay in the married? Or it’s haram for her to stay in the marriage?Your sincerely .. More

  • Naming a New-Born Baby-Boy Salah

    Assalamualaikum, I have a question about naming my son Salah.Is it permissible in Islam? Additionally, I was unable to locate a meaning for this name; could you help provide one? Also, I read it on the internet that it is a Biblical name, not a Muslim name. Please advice.Zakallahkhair .. More

  • Mirha, Zirwa, and Zynah As Names for Baby Girls

    meaning of names "Mirha", "Zirwa", "Zynah"? are they suitable / appropriate islamic names for girls? .. More

  • Being Named Naziat

    Is my name "Naziat" a haram name? .. More

  • Naming a New-Born Daughter Qaylah

    Assalam alaykum, I would like to know the meaning of the name Qaylah. The name of a sahabiya, also the name of Qaylah bint amr wife of Hashim ibn 'abd manaf great-grandfather of the Prophet. Can I name my daughter Qaylah? .. More