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5673 fatwas

  • Muslim woman’s demeanor with stepfather

    Is a Muslim woman allowed (in Islamic law) to feed her baby in front of her step-father? Does she have to put Hijaab in the presence of her step-father, as some say 'yes' and some say 'no'?.. More

  • Certain women's rights and responsibilities in Islam

    1)Why in Islam girls cannot go out alone , but here in Europe is it possible to go out alone ?2)What is the problem when girl has a boyfriend, before they get married?3)What are the problems bad effects of freedom of Europe on and American women (Like sex,bad clothes, etc.)4) Men in Islam can have many wives, why can't women have many husbands?Please.. More

  • Husband should share house work with working wife

    If the husband is not the only breadwinner of the family , and the wife is also contributing for the family's income, and she has to take care of the family at the same time shouldn't the husband also take half the role of the housework? .. More

  • Married and Divorced an Ahmadiyyah but Has A Child with Her

    In ignorance of core Ahmadiyya beliefs, and by mistake, I got married to a born-Ahmadiyya woman. Prior to the Nikaah, she made me to sign some document, which was actually some kind of "Bayat" to the Ahmadiyya Group. I claim that it was made to sign fraudulently because they misrepresented Ahmadiyyat to me as another sect of Islam and I was ignorant.. More

  • Dangers of Zina

    A non-Muslim friend asked me how is it possible, in recent life, to avoid having relations with a girl before the marriage as long as there are many means to avoid pregnancy or diseases? I want to convince him the dangers of Zina. .. More

  • Rulings on Children Out of Wedlock of Muslim Converts

    What is the ruling on those who converted to Islam and had a previous relationship with the other sex and she or he (i.e the one who converted to Islam) had illegitimate children out of this relationship? What is the ruling on those children? How should their Muslim parent deal with them Islamically? Please, enlighten me in this regard in details. Ma.. More

  • Christain Indonesian girl wants to marry a Muslim

    First, I would like to thank you all for your great effort in answering questions from muslims around the world. I have a friend from Indonesia. She is a young Christian girl ( 23 years old ) and wants to become a Muslim. She lives in Jakarta and is thinking of marrying a Muslim. She asked me for advice. What should she read? Who should she talk to?.. More

  • Purpose of Iddah

    The purpose of Iddah for a woman of child bearing age is to determine if she is pregnant or not. What are the reasons behind observing same period for women who are well past their child bearing age (post menopause) ?.. More

  • The Sunni Divorce

    What is the Sunni divorce? .. More

  • Marrying People of the Book

    I know that the Muslims are allowed to marry the people of the Book. I would like to know are there any people of the Book who live in this world at present time who are real people of the Book? Can we marry the present Christians and Jews who are so called People of the Book? Answer me under the light of Quran and Sunnah. .. More

  • Can a muslim woman be a model?

    From Islamic perspective, is it permissible for Muslim women to model (for clothes), become a spokesperson and endorse certain brands? The international brands usually originated from U.S, for example, Avon, Maybelline, Pepsi etc... More

  • How to deal with an ill-conduct wife

    My question is about beating women in islam and I want to know if the man is allowed to beat his wife if she has said some bad thing against him when they are talking. Is it an islamic behavior that the man got very angry and he beats his wife and then said that the religion allowed him to do that even if he has not follow the three known steps.. More

  • The Prophet's arrangement for marriage: Mahar,Walima and presents

    Did the wives of the prophet (SAW) receive the same mahr and nikah walima. was it sunnah to have nikah and walimah at the same or two different parties? If husband takes second wife should he treat second wedding arrangements as given to the first?.. More

  • Paying Mahr after the marriage contract is lawful

    I am getting married can I pay my Maher amount after the marriage or do I have to pay on the spot? If I fail to pay what will be the punishment? Till what time can i pay that to my wife?.. More

  • Seek Not Divorce!

    How long does take for the women to ask for divorce when she does not stay with her husband because of problems? .. More