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5673 fatwas

  • Problematic Relations with Married Man

    I have a problem. I have a problem needing a proper decision. The problem is shortly the following: I'm a 30-year-old divorced woman living in Europe without children. Almost a year ago I met a man of my age. We fall in love and decided to get married. He told his wife about me; she became angry and is trying her best to get him to leave me. She is.. More

  • Problems facing Muslims in South Africa

    I am a Muslim from South Africa and my 'Eemaan at times seems to drop due to racism experienced at the hands of fellow Muslim brothers, namely the Asians. My question is what do I do in a situation like this because most black brothers are turning to other groups because of the prejudice we get from our fellow Muslim brothers. I will not go against.. More

  • Marriage without a Wali (Guardian)

    I have a question regarding Marriage. A girl was married without a Wali. There were two witnesses and a lawyer who married them. I am very confused cause I read in some pages that marriage like this is not valid and in some pages that it is, cause a girl if she is old enough she can represent her self if she wants so. .. More

  • Wearing scarf instead of Hijab at work

    My questions is that since I had started observing Hijab and having no income to support me, my child and my sisters and brother, I had to start working again. I started searching job again in order to support a family of 8 members. I could not get a good job. Gradually I had to relax on my Hijab and then I got a job in an office but I had to wear.. More

  • Which woman is more sinful?

    Who is better a woman wearing Hijab but not praying all her Salah or a woman not wearing Hijab but praying all the Salah?.. More

  • Disagreement and unhappiness in marriage

    Is constant disagreement and unhappiness in a marriage enough reason for divorce?.. More

  • Disobedience against parents

    Please explain how we can reach rooting out disobedience against the parents through Islamic perception. .. More

  • Wants a Marriage Proposal

    I am a young Muslim girl. I believe I am rather gifted by Allah. I have the ability to just notice things that others can't, and often my dreams come true, in which I am often visited by the dead.I was just wondering, is there any saying or any evidence that every girl shall get married or, in any case, receive proposals?I have received a couple, but.. More

  • Christian Woman Helped Him Become Religious and He Married Her but His Parents Would Object

    I am a Muslim man study in the USA. I was not living up to the standards, as a Muslim man should. I was drinking, smoking, meeting girls. I met a girl that I was dating and she learned (the hard way) of my wrong doings. Instead of leaving me, she insisted that I return to the path of Allah, and become a more practicing Muslim. She helped me see where.. More

  • Getting a divorce

    How I can get divorce if my partner refuses and is asking for money?.. More

  • Wife considering divorce

    My husband is drinks alcohol at home and he knows other unclean women and pay them a lot of money while he refuses to give me anything. Also, I heard him several times talking to these girls and stays some nights with them. I have two kids and I am pregnant in the eighth month with the third one. I am thinking of divorce. What do you think?.. More

  • Answering Some Misconceptions about Women in Islam

    There is a new group which has come recently to my city and claim that they are addressing common misconceptions about Islam by Muslims themselves. These are a few of their teachings:- looking at a woman in her eye while addressing her is a cultural thing and has nothing to do with Islam.- women are highly encouraged to work (even outside homes, i.e... More

  • Father Cannot Attend the Marriage of His Daughter

    If a woman wants to marry a person with the consent of her father but the father cannot attend his daughter's marriage since the daughter lives in another country for study. Know that there is another problem in this marriage that the citizens of G.C.C countries are not allowed to marry foreigners, so this lady wants to marry a foreigner and settle.. More

  • Managing Household Matters

    Is it allowed for a man to not bring a servant for his wife to help her and he can afford to do so? His wife really needs this servant or helper.If my husband gave me the house pocket money expenses, and he told me that after all the house spending are finished you could take the rest of the money for yourself, can I take that money and do what ever.. More

  • Pronounced divorce during family crisis

    We are a few Muslims living in a non-Islamic country and facing a problem and need Fatwa on this problem. One of our friends and his wife had a quarrel over some matter and at their home and situation grew worse. His wife got angry and took a knife and put on her own neck and asked her husband divorce her. Her husband did not want to divorce and tried.. More