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5673 fatwas

  • The marriage is not over in this case of Khul'

    Assalam o alikum my father had mariied my my sister with pressure she spent 5 years suddenly she complaint to my father about her sexuall relations that her husband is ill father said take khula nowadays my father wasnt in karachi he was inn punjab he said go with huda and your brother and take khula from ur husband .when we went her husbands house.. More

  • The ‘Iddah of a pregnant woman who had a miscarriage/abortion

    Asalamo alaykum ... After divorced, if i did abortion before 120 days of pregnant, i have to wait for my 3 haidh or not. Can my husband take me back after the abortion ? My husband divorced me on Nov 25, 2013 and i found out that i got pregnant after divorced. After that he asked me to do abortion on Dec 18,2013 (the first talaaq) and the baby was only.. More

  • He gave his wife a written oath that she is divorced thrice if she contacts her old friends

    Assalaamu 'alaykum: I was married 14 years back and have 5 children. In March 2013, I gifted one mobile phone to my wife with the purpose that she may contact with me and her family more comfortably. During this period she asked me that she want to have telephonic conversations with her ex-school fellows (male & females); I allowed here by considering.. More

  • Her brother-in-law controls her husband's life

    Salaam. I have an issue I need advice on. My brother in law is fully controlling my husbands life. He is making him stay away from home and sending him 80 miles away from home to work. He is not getting paid and is being told each Tim he will get paid. But 3 months has passed by and yet no payment. Therefore he cannot support me and is leaving me home.. More

  • She suspects that her husband is having an affair with another woman

    Assalamualaikum, Dear Shaikh, I am married with 4 children for 10 years already. We have good relation, until now my husband is in-love with another woman but with my knowledge. I agree with him to the second married of my husband. But when it come to know by my parents they were not allow my husband to married the girl. My husband agreed to separate.. More

  • Her children were taken by child protective services

    Bismillaah Assalaamu Alaikum Warahmatuhlahi Wabarakatuh! My five children were taken away by child protective services, they are an American corporation that earns incentives for every child they remove from it's home earning about seventy thousand dollars from the Federal government per year per child. My Muslim children currently stay with my Aunt.. More

  • Ruling on making a public marriage proposal

    Me and my friends have made many people gathered in a public place and like an event but did not tell what is it about. When all the people gathered i asked my fiance for the marriage proposal as a public proposal. She doesn't know about it. She cried and i hugged her in front of many people. are these kinds of public proposals allowed in Islam. .. More

  • Muslim children are legally taken from their parents in the UK

    Assalamu O Alaikum In the uk..Children are stolen from their muslim parents for reasons that are superficial and physical. I have seen hundereds of muslim sisters and brothers who are very loving in their hearts have their children snatched by the councils. I know this is very evil. they then get people from the council who call themselves "guardians".. More

  • Her husband's bad traits drive her away from him

    Assalam aleikom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh. I have an imense worry. I am a practicing sister,I have been married to my husband for 6 years based on a halal marriage meaning we didnt know eachother and wanted to seek baraka from Allah for this.The problem is i am a very frank comunicative and romantic person who needs attention and time from her husband.My.. More

  • His wife breastfed her friend's baby without his permission

    My wife breastfed her friend's child (as her friend was unable). But my wife did not inform me or seek consent before. I found out one year later. Is this reason for divorce? .. More

  • Husband is not entitled to stipulate that his wife does not marry after his death

    Bismillah, Assalaam Alaykum Shaykh, Can a man put a condition in the marriage contract which stipulates his wife cannot marry after his death? Death such as on the battlefield or by other means? May Allaah reward you with good. Wa'salaam .. More

  • Adult brothers and sisters sharing the same room

    Does Islam allows sharing rooms (sharing closet,study table,dressing table,bathrooms attached in the room) between siblings (already adult) , for both sex, but not sleeping together in one time? .. More

  • A divorced wife asks for her deferred Mahr after she had waived it

    a nikaah took place in which half of the mehar was paid and half was decided to be paid later, however after a year the wife said to the husband that she forgives the remaining portion of mehar and she doesnt want it... after 3 years divorce took place between this couple and the husband gave her talaaq. now after 6 months the wife is asking for mehar.. More

  • Hating an entire race who are non-Muslims

    Asalamu Alaykum, My question is about disliking whole races of people. I used to work for an organisation where many workers from a specific country and they were rude, arrogant and racist to people not of their background. I have since found it hard to like anyone from that background because of my experiences with a few of them. Is it permissible.. More

  • A man is attracted to beardless youths but feels terrible about it

    As Salaamo 'alaykom wa rahma tuAllah wa barakatoh dear sheykh. Bismillah, I am concerned about the state of a brother and have a question regarding him. Ibn Al Qayyim (rahimahullah) stated in Al-Jawaab al-Kaaf that "If a person becomes worthless in the sight of Allaah, He afflicts him with the love of beardless youths." I have a brother who only has.. More