I have abrother in-law who becamevery upset with his sister in-law (his wife's sister) and in anger he told his wife that ifshe ever speaks to this sister then there would be three divorces for her. After sometime, he realized his mistake and asked for forgiveness from his sister in- law. Nowthat he has alreadymade the above threatcan his wife.. More
We provide Islamic lectures at university for students and partition the room with a curtain to make the brothers and sisters feel comfortable, as some sisters are not dressed appropriately. Please give examples from the Qur’an and Sunnah about segregation. Some brothers and sisters say its Bid’ah... More
I am a 21 years old widow with a 1-year-old son. Is it compulsory for me to get married or I can live as a widow through out my life? May Allah (SWT) guide us to the right path... More
Idon’t want to get married, because I have children. My ex-husband said if he agrees to the person then he will permit me to take care of children. I think it is Haramfor me to keep my children when I get married. Is it Haram to keep the kidsif I remarried? I am in America but I may leave this country some day... More
1) Is it permissible for a married couple to use certain objects (like sex toys) in their sexual relations? Please include any possible difference between the individual usage and the usage by the couple together!
2) Is it permissible for Muslims to do business in these objects, e.g.women selling these products to women only, or men to men only?.. More
I want to know fatwa for the following two issues.
1. Divorce given by a Drunkard.
2. Forced to give divorce by mother and other members of the family.
The actual issue is that a person who is an intoxicant, basically weak-minded, used to get angry very often, and does not realize his sayings and doings in the state of intoxicant.
One.. More
I had a Katib Kitab (marriage contract) on my cousin who is 23 and born here in the USA from an American Christian mother. She doesn't practice much Islam. I told her to start praying and she promised me that she will when we get married and be together in one house, Insha Allah. I also ask her to start learning to speak Arabic because she only knows.. More
I have a great Muslim friend with good morals and good knowledge of Islam. I see her going through hard times, however I can't seem to understand it as she has so much more than many have in life, except a husband. She is growing older (over 30) and seems to have a hard time appreciating her family as she sees them not appreciative of her. How.. More
What was the practice of the people of Prophet Loot (Alaihi Salaam)? If a woman presses her legs together and exhausts herself is it consider as homosexuality?.. More
I have read in the chain of many Ahadith that some narrators are named 'Israel.' I know that Israel is the name of Prophet Jacob, but is it ok nowadays to name our children 'Israel?' Is it also ok to name them Mikhaeel or Mikael, as the angel?.. More