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5673 fatwas

  • Husband Does Not Need Permission of First Wife to Marry a Second Wife

    Does a married man need the permission of his first wife to re-marry according to the Sharia? .. More

  • Employing a Marriageable Woman

    I am a medical practitioner. I would like to start a charitable clinic. Can I keep a sister? She will be in a separate room. Injections may have to be given to female patients and keeping male nurse for this is not possible. When patients are not there we will be alone though in separate rooms. Can this problem be solved if I keep a third person say.. More

  • May have spoken words of divorce

    Someone thinks that he might have said some of the divorce words, but he isn't sure if he said these words or not. What is the solution?.. More

  • How to divorce

    On 7/7/99 I have got married to my sister-in-law's brother's daughter. That marriage was proposal and its kind of exchange. My sister got married 7 years ago to my wife's uncle (father's brother). But on the day of my marriage, there was a problem on reciting Nikkah created by my father in law. So my marriage was cancelled. And i refused to marry.. More

  • Wanting to Marry Mother of His Illegitimate Child

    I have a child by a woman I did not marry. She is a non-Muslim but is willing to become a Muslim. I did not marry her because I am a student and I was afraid my parents may not continue to support me. Now I have doubts about not marrying her. Please advise me. .. More

  • Women Giving Alms

    What is the meaning of the Prophet ordering that women should give alms in the Hadeeth where he saw most of the occupants of Hell-fire were women? .. More

  • DNA testing

    Thank you for yur reply to my query. I would be grateful for further clarification on one point. You had stated:"One, requiring a DNA test to prove paternity is an indication of accusing one's wife of Zina if the test conducted during circumstances, such as after having doubts or conflicts with one's wife, etc. so, one should not demand this test unless.. More

  • Husband and wife separated, marriage in doubt

    Husband and wife have been separated for nine months due to their personal conflicts. The wife's brother and mother tried to solve the problem but were not successful. They have three children out of their marriage. Wife wants to work it out, and she (wife) will wait a year to see if she can settle him down. But, the husband wants a divorce. The husband's.. More

  • Studying in a mixed (co-ed) university

    I am 17 years old and I intend to study computer science next year in a university which is mixed (boys and girls). Is it permissible for me to study in this university? I will cover my face and will strictly abide by the rules of the Islamic Sharia. If it is not permissible please let me know why. Also, in my country there are very few separate universitie.. More

  • Wife in Non-Muslim Country Seeking Divorce in Non-Islamic Court

    A woman lives in a non-Muslim country; her husband does not pay the rights to his wife and does not live with her, he also does not divorce her. Is the woman allowed to go to a non-Muslim court for divorce, if court decide the separation, can she marry? .. More

  • Rulings on breast-feeding

    1. Is providing breast milk for an infant Fard (for a baby too young to live on solid foods)? At what age (beyond two years) would breast-feeding become a Haram act?2. Is it Haram for children to pretend to be animals? .. More

  • Marrying a Pregnant Woman from Zina

    I want to marry a pregnant Muslim girl. A girl who had relation with another boy and they got physically involved and now he (boy) is refusing her and avoiding her completely. And the girl is beautiful and good mannered & I like her and she likes me. Please reply in the light of Qur'an And Sunnah. .. More

  • DNA Analysis and Sharee’ah

    I am a lawyer in Singapore. I practice Shariah Law. At present I have a Shariah case. My client's wife has petitioned for divorce. My client consents. There is a 1-year-old son. My client suspects that his wife had relations with another man and as a result bore the son. My client wants to do a DNA test to confirm. The lawyer for the wife objected to.. More

  • A Muslim girl living in a non-Muslim country without a Mahram

    I am a student in University and I live in a small dormitory with about 13 other girls. We have good security and the security guard makes regular rounds. I live far away from home and don't have a Mahram man anywhere near by. My question is: should I be here without a Mahram male? I just think about widows and divorced women, they don't have Mahrams.. More

  • Marriage to Non-Muslim After Having Committed Zina With Her

    I committed a major sin (zina) with non-believer and I love this person and she loves me very much. Well, she told me that she is pregnant because she missed her menses for a week and she wants to marry me. She also wants to be a Muslim. Well, I wasn't thinking to make love with her and I refused several times. What should I do and I love her dearly.. More