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5673 fatwas

  • Bearing name with bad meaning in Arabic but good in other language

    Assalaamu alaykum. My previous question is about names, and I want to clarify it. A name is good in a language, like, for example, "Zaniyah", which means "forever"/"always" in "Nahuatl", while it is known that this means "an adulteress" in Arabic. If the person bears this name while she meant the first meaning though it has a bad meaning in the Arabic.. More

  • Divorcing based on doubt regarding wife's fertility

    Is it okay to divorce your wife just because you doubt her fertility? Two weeks after marriage. I told my husband about some hormonal issue. He became very angry and immediately considered me infertile. He emphasised that I had not been honest with him before the marriage and that he cannot trust me anymore. In my defense, the issue which I have is.. More

  • Telling wife she may take Khul’ does not affect marriage bond

    Assalaamu alaykum. I live in a non-Muslim country, and we do not have fatwa centers here. Therefore, please help me by anwsering the following question in spite of your busy schedule. My wife insists on buying a home by taking a loan from a bank, and I told her that the loan is based on interest and that we cannot take it. I told her that I would discuss.. More

  • Judge nullified marriage of an apostate wife without questioning husband

    A muslim man got married to a girl who was Hindu by birth but converted to Islam legally by her own free will before the marriage. The marriage was good and legally sound with no problems. After about 1.5 years, the girl's family was informed about said marriage. Since then, for about 4-5 months, the girl was out of contact with the man. Due the influence.. More

  • Sick wife entitled to dispose of her state disability payments

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question is regarding financial freedom of the wife. I am a housewife, and due to a long-term illness, I am eligible to receive disability payments from the government for my care. My husband refuses to allow me to use any of the money for my needs and spends the money on household expenses. He uses the fact that I am not "earning".. More

  • Claiming that third child must be named Muhammad

    Assalaamu alaykum. A friend of mine said that you must give you third child Mohammed or else you are a miser, and he attributed this information to the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam. Is this true? .. More

  • Demanding custody of child in unregistered marriage

    I want a fatwa regarding the divorce of my friend, who is from India. My friend works in Saudi Arabia. He was already married and has children from his first marriage (in India). Later, he got married to another woman in Saudi Arabia who is not a citizen (she is from Ethopia). He kept this fact hidden this from his first wife. He had a son from his.. More

  • Mother helped daughter marry non-Muslim man

    Our mother, who lives in another city with our sister, without informing us of her intention and in connivance with one of our female cousins and her husband got our sister married to a non-Muslim boy of her choice. We do not know whether the boy has embraced Islam and whether the wedding was solemnized in Islamic way. While we have broken all relations.. More

  • Offering ‘Aqeeqah for more than one child on same day

    As I work in Saudi Arabia, I have not been able to do my three children's ‘Aqeeqah. Can I do it on the same day for all three? Please reply soon. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Cousin of wife's grandmother non-Mahram to husband

    Assalaamu alaykum. My wife was raised by her maternal grandmother's female cousin. She is very close to her, to the point of considering her as her real grandmother. I wanted to know, please, if she can be considered as a Mahram (permanently unmarriageable kin) for me. May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Divorce by text message or by signing divorce papers

    Dear Sir, according to your fatwa number 314359, some scholars held that divorce does not take effect by merely signing the divorce papers. As stated by the respected Shaykh Muhammad ibn Ibraaheem Aal Ash-Shaykh as well as in some of your fatwas, I came to understand that if the husband gives a divorce on sms without the intention of divorce, then divorce.. More

  • Women working as medical interpreters with male doctors and patients

    Assalaamu alaykom. My question is about pursuing a career as a medical interpreter. Being a Muslim woman, is it halal for me to do this given that I may find myself in a situation where I am with a male doctor and a male patient in a doctor's room or office interpreting for them? If that career is not halal, can you please give me some recommendations.. More

  • Money earned from working in mixed environment

    Assalaamu alaykum. I want to earn money, but I do not have the necessary capital to start a business. My sister works in a mixed environment, and she earns a good amount of money. I have read that when a woman works in mixed environment, the money that she earns is halal but she is sinning by mixing with men while working. Would you please give me evidence.. More

  • Wearing hijaab on sensitive scalp

    Assalaamu alaykum. There is a sister who has a problem with her hair scalp. She began to wear the hijab 3-4 years ago. When she began to wear it, she developed red spots on her scalp. She went to 7 doctors, and all of them ignore what caused her scalp to be like this.They told her to change her diet and to change the material of her hijab, but no change.. More

  • Woman giving out food to fasting men

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu, Shaykh. Is it permissible for a woman to personally distribute foods, drinks, Miswaaks (tooth stick), or breakfast, etc. to men? I mean in general, so please advise; and if not, then please advise on whether this is allowed in Masjid Al-Haraam and Masjid An-Nabawi. Please, if possible, respond at your.. More