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975 fatwas

  • Eating mushrooms which are grown where pigs are reared

    Assalamualaikum. I would like to know if canned mushroom(product of China) is halal to consume as ive heard that the mushrooms are elevated in a place where they rear pigs. thanks... More

  • Benefits of eating 21 raisins per day

    Assalamalekum, I have read in some book that a person if he/she eats 21 raisins per day, is saved from all diseases except death. Is it right? And one more thing, i asked a question long back, but did not get the reply yet...pls. check that as well....... 23rd sep -2322292 .. More

  • Dying hair brown mixed with black

    Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh Dear Brother, I am having two questions 1) regarding hair dyeing which you have already given in Fatwas but I want to know that can I use the mix color like (black & brown) or totally I have to reuse the black color. I already apply it its looking like blackish brown. Pls. guide me in proper way.. More

  • Simplicity in dress is part of faith

    salam aleikum sheikh.. i have one question for u insha allah.. me and my husband are living in non muslim country..i have good hijab and good islamic clthing and now insha allah i have wanted for long time to start to wear niqab..but my husband he does not wear sunnah clothes and he does not have barb and everytime he goes out he want to look nice.. More

  • Applying lemon on the armpit before using deodorant

    Asalamu Aleikum Warahmatu-Allah, BismillahiRahmani Rahim, Dear Brother i was informed that using of Deodarant may lad to Cancer, i did some research and i was told that we can apply Lemon first on the armpt and use the deodarant which will not have any affect, is using the lemon allowed in Islam, as you mentioned before the use of some kind of food.. More

  • Failing to take care of pets

    Alsalamu 3alaikum. My question is about cats. I have recently been taking care of 2 kittens at my home for about 2 months. After these kittens made a lot of damage to my house, my husband and I made a few attempts to get rid of them by trying to give them away to other people but no success. We loved them very much but had to get rid of them. Now.. More

  • Using semi-permanent eyeliner and makeup

    salaam.. please will you advise me if semi permenat eyeliner or makeup is allowed for women in islam. my husband has allowed for this but i want to know it this is allowed in islam. thank you... More

  • Eating yogurt to which gelatin is added

    aoa,i have question that i live in latvia where there is very less muslim ,i used to eat yougurat but just few days before i saw there is gelatin inside they say it is bones of animals which they make hot and than mix in yougurat so kindly tell me can we eat this,thank you in advance to guide me and help me.. More

  • Keeping lizards, iguanas and bearded dragons as pets

    Assalammualaikum Nowdays people been keeping lizard such as iguana and bearded dragon as pet, i wonder is it permissible? I know that there was a hadith which the Prophet never forbided Abu umair from keeping a bird (nughair) but what about iguana and other lizards (other than gecko)? also if keeping it as pet is permissible, is it permissible to.. More

  • A woman wearing her hair up at home

    ruling on how a women should wear her hair. the hadeeth which supports it. Can a women wear her hair up at home and back comb her hair. this is in front of mahram ofcourse.. More

  • Men's imitation of women is evil

    I was at a party where a man appeared wearing women's clothes and makeup, i.e. he looked exactly like a woman, and he behaved improperly on stage. Is it permissible for me to stay while watching such a man imitating women? .. More

  • Anesthetizing the animal before slaughtering it

    Assalamo alaykum wa rahmato Allah, As Shaikh Qaradawi (may Allah protect him) has mentioned in a previous fatwa in 2003, if an anaesthetic is not used to kill the animal but rather to prevent it from moving while it is being slaughtered, it is lawful and its meat can be eaten by Muslims. There is a new law in the Netherlands which stipulates that.. More

  • Hunting wild pig and giving its meat to someone who will eat it

    i like to hunt, and i was wondering if it is permissible to hunt wild pigs if the intention is to give the meat away to someone who will eat it? shukran... More

  • Mixing milk with water when drinking it

    Assalaamu alaykkum, While consuming milk we add water and drink it. Is that allowed or is it haraam? I also heard someone saying that mixing water with milk and drinking is good for the knees. So i kindly request you to state whether mixing water in milk is haraam or halal? And under what circumstances should it be done?.. More

  • A woman using a big hair clip

    is it allowed to use a big hairclip if u will make it level of ur head? coz they said its forbidden for its like a hunch like camel.coz i have this hairclip and its like a flower and big.... More