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975 fatwas

  • Wants to trim her very thick eyebrows

    Assalamu Alikum Wa Rahmantu Allahu wa Barakarthu I know very well that plucking the eyebrows is haram. But I saw in some of the fatwas that is it halal if it is deformed. What is deformed exactly? I have very thick eyebrows, they are as thick as the " shahada" finger. They are shaped like a triangle. When I used to do my eyebrows, the lady had to use.. More

  • A man wearing a gold ring with a diamond engraved on it

    Assalam o Alaikum, I was gifted a gold ring with a diamond engraved on it at my wedding as a wedding ring but I do not wear it since its made up of Gold. However, my wife insists that one Alam suggested that since a diamond in engraved on the gold, a male can wear it. I have found Hadith that strongly forbid wearing gold for males. I want to know.. More

  • She has a number of kittens and wants to get rid of them

    I moved into a place and a cat came along. I fed her and she stayed, i did not know she was about to have kittens a few weeks later. I have one cat and three kittens now and four months later she is about to have another litter. My question is this. How do i get rid of the kittens i do not want? I called the Rspca and they will take them and after awhile.. More

  • Eating the meat of animals that are fed grain mixed with meat

    Assalaamu alaikum, Regarding your Fatwa No. 90144 on carnivorous animals, we have a question: Does this mean that animals who are fed say grain mixed with meat, even though they are vegetarian, like chickens are, are okay or not okay? Jazak Allah khair... More

  • He has a male cat, but he is unable to buy a female cat for it

    Respected brother I have an imported male persian cat which is with me for 3 yrs now . I take very gud care of it but my question is will it be a sin for me to keep d cat away from its female company . I cannot get another female cat as it will cost me 10000 to 150000 rupees and secondly these persian cats require extra care for grooming etc ..Their.. More

  • His Islamic appearance may cause him embarrassment at the university

    As Salaam Alaykum, Sir, I would like to get a new answer for this instead of other answers from Islamweb. I have finished my +2 exams Alhamdulillah and now thinking to travel to my country for further studies (Bachelor degree). While in my present school I used to wear the uniform by folding edges from bottom of my pants. Is this practice obligatory?.. More

  • Frogs, like all animals, glorify Allaah and praise Him

    Salaam Alaykum, Is it true that Frogs are considered to be sacred or pious creatures? Also, I do want to know that whether Frogs engage in remembrance of ALLAH (Almighty) or do they make "Tasbeeh" as said by Dr.Zakir Naik? Do they say Subhaan ALLAH, AlhamdulILLAH and ALLAHu Akbar as we say? May ALLAH (Almighty) reward you with Goodness... More

  • Adding fluoride to drinking water

    Salaam Alaykum sheikh, Why Fluoride is not forbidden in Islam though it contains hazardous diseasese, we generally drink water that contains 0.8 ppm fluoride in our Muslim locality. It causes prenatal deaths including uterine cancer, impairs immune system, severe skeletal fluorosis, Infertility, Hip fractures, Thyroid disorder , Alzheimer Disease,.. More

  • She supplicates to Allaah to make her get her cat back in Paradise

    Asalamualaikum. I used to have a cat, whom I loved very much and treated her like a sister! Then one day I feel ill and had to have home treatment and so I had to give the cat away to cat shelter. I miss her sooooooo much and cried like a baby when I had to give her away. It makes me sad and depressed because I have seen kaffirs doing very haram things.. More

  • A woman dividing her hair into two separate bundles

    Is it permissible for an woman to divide her hair into two separate bundle just behind her head .. More

  • Men wearing white gold

    why is white gold haram as scientifically it is not a form of gold but a totally different metal from gold that is PLATINUM,just like iron or zinc,if a man can wear silver then why not platinum? .. More

  • Injuring the heart of an animal to use it in scientific experiments

    Assalaamo alaykom, I am a student and my thesis and future work might need injuring the heart of animal, treat the heart with substances, and then killing the animals and then remove their heart to analyze the result of our therapy. I wanted to know wehether there is a hadith from hadhrat Muhammad PBUH like this: abstain from dissecting the dead even.. More

  • Keeping lawful meat in the same fridge with unlawful meat

    Can muslims eat in a five star hotel where they keep all the halaal meat and fish together with pork in the same cool room? SALAAM... More

  • A woman wearing thick high heels

    Assalaamu alaikum, What is the ruling on wearing heels? Highheels with a thin heel i am not in favor of as they look sexy. but what about simple shoes with a thick heel (1 inch or so)? is it ok if they are hidden with one's long clothing? Jazak Allah khair.. More

  • Eating meat slaughtered in a Muslim country

    Assalaamo alaykom. I live in a muslim country with muslim ruler, and, the slaghterhouses are inspected by governmental authorities to confirm that they conform to islamic laws. However, there are instances that the "unlawful" slaghterhouses are closed, and the meat they produce is discarded, and the event is disclosed. I was wondering, as it is theoretically.. More