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977 fatwas

  • Dying nails with henna including kumkum

    as these days we r getting nails mehandi ( HENA) but in that nails mehandi ( HENA) kumkum is added n i heard kumkum which hindus womens apply on their forehead n kum kum is a symbol of married hindu wemens now tell me should i apply nails mehandi ( HENA) on my nails n hope no problem in offering namaz plzzz.... suggest ....... me .. More

  • Eating ‘bird nest soup’

    Question Is it halal to eat bird nest soup? Bird nest soup is mainly made up of bird nest produced by swift bird (a small bird that resembles a swallow and is noted for its rapid flight) using his saliva on the surface of rocks. It is harvested and used as main ingredient on soup in Chinese restaurant. Jazakum Allah khairan. .. More

  • Eating Danish products

    Asalamu 3aleykum .. i have 2 quistion too ask. 1_ Is it aloud too eat danish foods? 2_Is it aloud too see too open the hair in front of non-muslims woman?.. More

  • Ruling on using silk curtains


  • Supplicating for an animal after its death

    Alsalamu Alaykom, Does God punish the animals during jusdgement day? Do they enter paradise or hell in the lifeafter? Is it acceptable to pray for our pets after they die? Thank you Bassem Tannir.. More

  • The first woman who wore Hijab

    Alsalamu Alaykom, Is there a record when the first time women were required to wear the hijab (Like for instance Maryam the mother of Esa PBUH used to wear a head scarf)? Thank you.. More

  • Meat of animals slaughtered by someone who curses the Prophet’s companions

    Assalamu Aalikum. my question is regarding the 'thabeeha' of those who curse the Prophet's companions. i live in north america and we have dispute among sheikhs here if the meat of ahl el kitaab is halal or not. But i was buying meat from a halal butcher store here once and a person 'muslim' stopped me and told me this is haram meat because this butcher.. More

  • Needs to work to get money to beautify herself to her husband

    Asalam o alykum scholar, 3: My last question is about work, I have one year old daughter and i want to work when she start go to school. I want to work because i have my per month needs such as buying creams, cloths(not necessary that if i have only need sometimes we buy what we like) and i want to keep some money in my hand if suppose i like something.. More

  • Using tattooing to cover tattoos of crosses and living creatures

    Before embracing Islam, I had many tattoos done on my body, some are creatures with eyes and faces and others are Christian symbols i.e. crosses. I cannot afford the $20,000 dollars it would cost to have them removed by laser, so is it permissible to get the faces and crosses covered over by tattooing them out? Or would this be haram to use tattooing.. More

  • Adorning male infants with gold

    Assalamualikum.Please calrify whether Islam permits adorning of male infants with Gold ornaments .If so upto what age limit it is permitted... More

  • A Muslim is not obliged to wear a particular dress

    Salam, my friends in the mosque are somewhat strict in Islam, especially when it comes to sunnah they advice me to wear Qamis or Juba everytime even if it is not in the mosque, but now Im living in Zamboanga city, Philippines, were in this city most people are westernize and if I wear those things people will start looking at me like Im a celebrity,.. More

  • Wearing dresses which have writings on them

    Al-sallamu Al-laikoum , i want ask that a muslim can were the dress that has writings on it.. More

  • Neutering unwanted dogs to stop them from breeding

    Dear Brother, I a British Muslim working in Somaliland and have taken on the task of dealing with the un-wanted dogs in this country. I came up with the idea of neutering/spaying all the dogs to stop them breeding, but is this halaal? At the moment the locals deal with the dogs with poison, shootings, throwing stones and running them down. These dogs.. More

  • A veterinarian treating sick pig

    As Salaanm o ale kum. sheikh my question is an animal doctor by profession can he allow to cure pig and in return he take some fees but he know that it will slaughter one day. plz answer in the light of quran aad the shahih hadith. jazakullahu khairan... More

  • Killing a domestic animal to relieve it from pain

    Assalam aleikum Regarding to islamic behaviour towards animals, I would like to ask if it is permitted to sacrifice without making it suffer an animal, let's say a pet, like a cat, who is seriously ill, with a terrible illness, no probabilities of recovering, and suffering a lot. Thanks in advance for your answer. Yazakum Allahu Khairan. Maasalame.. More