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1345 fatwas

  • Ruling on transformer toys

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have some questions regarding toys. There are a type of toys called transformers - toys that can change from a vehicle (like car or plane) to a robot resembling a human (but clearly not human as the car parts are still visible and most do not have human faces).1. Are these allowed for children (e.g. for young boys)? 2. Are these.. More

  • Fighting urge to cuss

    Is waswaas (devilish whisperings) necessarily always deen-related? I think that I am suffering from waswaas about cuss words. I think of cuss words all the time now, even regarding people whom I really care about like my parents and siblings and friends. I feel guilty because I am now saying them out loud due to frustration from having these thoughts... More

  • Video chat between male teacher and female student

    Assalaamu alaykum.I would like to know the ruling regarding using a video chat with a male Islamic teacher. Are there any valid reasons for male teachers to see their female students' appearance? Thank you. .. More

  • Partaking in love poetry contest

    Assalaamu alaykum. My college is arranging a poetry recitation competition in which the winner will be awarded a certain sum of money. I read in one of your fatwas that love poems about indefinite women are allowed. Can you please tell which body parts of a woman can be described for the poem to remain lawful? If I recite such a poem and become the.. More

  • Choosing the lesser of two evils in medical treatment

    Assalaamu alaykum. I had a biopsy on my right breast and they found a lesion. The doctor said that with this kind of lesion, they sometimesfind cancer around it but will not know about this until it is checked after the surgery. I was told that it should be removed because of my health history. My concern is that if it is removed and turns out to be.. More

  • Playing games that include interest or drawing of cross

    Assalaamu alaykum. I have three question about games: 1. I am playing a game about farming, and the games gives the player loans with interest (it is not real money). So is this allowed? 2. How about games that have first aid kits that have the red cross on them, are those allowed? 3. There are games that have blocks and triangles and other.. More

  • Listening to bigoted news sources to criticize them

    Assalaamu alaykum. Sorry for my reply. Anyway, I follow the Maliki madhab, and I received the fatwa for my question, fatwa No 312007; the title is 'Learning a language from a source prejudiced against Muslims'. I just want to clarify my question so that there is no misunderstanding. I mean, let us say that you are learning English and that you are using,.. More

  • Case of OCD in ablution and prayer

    I think that I have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder). I have a hard time doing ablution and prayer. It takes me so many minutes to perform ablution. Sometimes, it takes so long to perform my prayer. I also have gas problems, which particularly happens during the prayer times, although I have it at other times too, but not like the prayer time. I.. More

  • Brain-dead person not ruled dead

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh. My question is: if a woman is in wedlock with a man who is on life support, such as a ventilator, is it alright for her to remarry another man? May Allaah reward you. .. More

  • Using inhaler that contains ethanol

    I have just been given an inhaler in the hospital to treat asthma, but from reading its leaflet, I understood that it contains ethanol, which is a form of alcohol. Can I use it? .. More

  • Singing prayers to Allaah with music at school

    In my school, students have to assemble on a field to sing the national anthem along with other songs every morning. I try my best to avoid these songs by being late. However, sometimes i have to be present due to the circumstances. One song involves a sentence of prayer to Allaah while music is being played. I know that this is kufr (disbelief), but.. More

  • Muslim woman receiving treatment from non-Muslim or innovator

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I reside in a country where when hospitals are visited for treatment, there are many non-Muslim nurses and staff there. And among the Muslims there are those from innovated sectsat times, and they do not act rightly, and its risky even to get treated by them at times, and Allaah, The Exalted, knows.. More

  • Using hypnosis in childbirth

    Assalaamu alaykum. My question relates to a childbirth preparation program known as hypnobabies. It uses self-hypnosis to relax the mother in birth so that she is less afraid and more relaxed and handles the pain of birth much better. It often makes labor faster as well. While there are drugs and epidurals to numb the pain of labor, those are not without.. More

  • Watching series that depicts Companions

    There was a tv series on MBC1 channel in 2012 named 'Omar Series'. As the name suggests, it was on the life of Umar, may Allaah be pleased with him, in which all of the Companions were depicted. The accuracy of the series is very high. Is it okay if I give the series to a non-practicing Muslim as an alternative to his daily haram entertainment? .. More

  • Paired and pooled organ donation

    My wife, who is 52 years old, suffers from a chronic renal failure and has been told by a kidney specialist that she will need a dialysis or kidney transplant within approximatively one year. I am 58 years old and have put myself forward for a kidney donation, but unfortunately blood tests came back showing that my wife and I are incompatible with each.. More