Before my marriage i came to know that she is not having we are having a child by using surrogate. Now iam affraiding about this one.give one solution to ask forgiveness and child status.
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Assalamalaikum Shaikh,I have a question on a video wich I have found on youtube. I think it is a beneficial reminder for the young people and thats why I want to translate it into german. But My question is wether its content and images are in accordance with the sharia.I would be verry grateful if you can take a look at the video. Its only about 5-6.. More
Using such expressions like 'Islamic thought', 'Islamic theory' or 'Islamic view' to mean the Islamic religion causes disbelief. It is an act of disbelief to call Allah's commandments and prohibitions 'divine thoughts', 'divine views', 'divine theories', or 'divine consciousness'. The case is the same with calling the rules in the Noble Quran, 'Quranic.. More
assalaamu alaykum. I read a fatwa on your website that says that a business that pollutes and harms the environment is not allowed, but I want to ask about t-shirt printing. T-shirt cotton printing wastes gallons of water, and it contributes to pollution by other means. My question is the following: there is a group in facebook, and in this group, there.. More
Salaam, May Allah bless you for helpingI have been married for 13 yrs alhamdulillah n I hav 3 children . I have always suffered from unstable mood for which I hav sought medical help n I hav been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder I hav very conflicting relationship with my husband as I feel he doesn't understand my feelings he doesn't empathise.. More
Assalamualaikum,Death caused to a person by smoking or chewing tobacco is it suicide in Islam ? As it is very clear that cigarette smoking is haram.But when I encounter certain smokers they deny that death due to smoking is not suicide as its not intentional to kill oneself and if that is the case they say then fat and obese people who die because of.. More
Aslamualakaum Iheard somone say that words in islam are split into technical and linguistically.He said tecnhaicanlly means that all the diffrent ulema from diffrent fields agreed to one meaning.But then he later contradiuctns himself by saying that the word "sunnah" has diffrent meanings technically deepening if you are a muhadith or a faqeeh. My question.. More
I am a new convert from California with a problem. I know that all drugs are haaram but I have a friend who has cluster headaches. This is like having ten migraines at the same time. It is not deadly but the people with this condition die from suicide. They can not take the pain. The only treatment that works is to use the drug Psilocybin that you find.. More
Salam aleikum sheikh. I have a question. One sister has create a internet sms group only for sisters where u can buy and sell things. Sometimes some sisters including myself make other coments there for example some sisters post there when there is a darz in mosque, when there is a islamic meeting for sisters, some sisters post diffrent things like.. More
"Is it permissible in Islam to remove uterus? One sister has got some problems in uterus and they r worried if the doctor will ask her to remove it"
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Assalamualaikum, i am a fan of the football club Newcastle United. I want to buy a jersey but Newcastle United is sponsored by, a payday interest loan company. As a muslim am i allowed to wear a football jersey that sponsors an interest loan company?
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Salam. I used to listen to music before but know I have left it. But at times I sing the old songs. Since there is no music involved when I sing and the wording of the songs are not shirk or dirty...will it be allowed in the light of ismLam?
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Assalamu alaikum. I'm sorry if this is a trivial question, but I know that the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) stressed archery, which means that archery is good for us, but wouldn't it cause muscle imbalances since one side of the body is being trained (using one arm to pull the string)? Also, is there any verse in the quran that mentions/hints about archery?.. More