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Assalaamu alaykum. I had some doubt regarding the reality of the world around me after reading a science article which stated that things are not real and are a mere dream. So then I thought: is Islam for real? Is my wife whom I married real? So I had a doubt, but my heart was not at rest, and I wanted to believe that Islam was real. I researched this.. More
A man was Muslim. Then he started doubting whether Islam is true or not. What is the best solution for him?
1) Keep solving the doubt without obeying Allah.
2) Stop solving the doubt and keep obeying Allah hoping for guidance and forgiveness.
3) Keep obeying Allah and at the same time keep solving the doubt in order to bring peace to his heart.
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Assalaamu alaykum. I read in one of your fatwas that if a Muslim has any doubts about any aspect of Islam, he should consult scholars to get rid of these doubts. In another fatwa, I read that one who doubts any aspect of Islam is an apostate. Is there any difference between these two types of doubts? If so, then please explain.
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Assalaamu alaykum. My question is about saying, 'I am a believer, in shaa' Allaah.' I heard or understood from a statement that it is ok to say that because the person does not know whether his faith is accepted or not. So what I understand from that is that a person may say the two testimonies of fatith and fulfill his obligations, like the prayer.. More
Asallam U Alaikum, Is it permissible for a person to renew their faith from time to time by making the intention to renew their faith and then saying the shahadah, not because they said anything that took them out of Islam (Allah Forbid), but to be on the safe side as the person always worries they may have said or done something unknowingly. If this.. More
Some dangerous questions, especially about creed and creation, come to my mind. Am I possessed or bewitched? What is the treatment?.. More
My problem is the last timeI thought evil thingsI don't wantI couldn't control it. Ibelieve in Allah (SWT)and His Messenger Muhammad, but sometimes there is like a voice whoin mesaying: 'Muhammad isn't true' andthen this voice says 'now you are a Munafiq.' I don't want to lose my religion, becauseI know Muhammad is the true Messenger. What can.. More
I'm suffering from a great difficulty. I have strange thoughts in my mind. I get strange questions in my mind about Allah and Quraan and do not know the answers for such thoughts. There is compulsion in my mind to get their answers otherwise it seems to me that I will become a Kafir. I think and think until I become exhausted. I'm now so afraid and.. More
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