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Are there any authentic hadiths that say that the Dajjal will use music to attract people or that his followers will use musical instruments?
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Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. I was looking for a hadith about the Dajjaal(Antichrist) in which the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam,told us that if we see the Dajjaal we should recite Soorah Al-Kahf, spit on him, flee from him, and hide in a hole, even if we see a snake in that hole. This was related to me by.. More
Is it true that the Dajjaal's (anti-Christ) followers are mostly females?
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Assalaamu alaykum. If Allaah did not help the disbeliever/sinner/unjust in the past, will He help them today? Fir'awn (the Pharaoh) and Namrood used all the available resources to claim divinity in the past, will the Dajjaal be provided with his vehicle - i.e. a weird and powerful donkey, as mentioned in the hadiths - by Allah to help him spread afflictions?.. More
Is there any proof that during the second coming of Jesus, may Allaah exalt his mention, he will marry and have kids?
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Asalaam Alaikum:How many days will the Gog and Magog will remain on Earth after they came out.
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Asalam u alaikum , According to Prophet Sallahu alai'hi'wasallam Dajjal will not enter Makkah & Madina as angles will be guarding them at each of seven gates in case of madina.. But prophet taught us to make dua especially to be read in tashahud i.e Allah'humma ini aoozubika min fitnatil masee'hid'Dajjal besides asking protection from hellfire,torment.. More
Assalamu'alaykum, I hear the below things. Please could you tell em the reality . Could you please tell the authenticity of the below hadeeth. Also could you confirm that is the "Palace of Kingdom" constructed near madina by KSA is the palace of dajjal as stated in below tradition. The Messenger of Allah SallAllahu alaihi wasallam once addressed the.. More
One well established fact in our aqeeda is the descent of Issa(as). Some people deny his descent and say it contradicts khatm alnubuwat). Our response is that he doesn't come with a new message. One thing about which I wanted clarification is that I have read people claiming that Issa (as) will still receive revelation and that Allah has revealed to.. More
Salam alaikum, many kuffar are preparing themselves for catastrophies such as earthquakes etc. but also what they call Armageddon or doomsday. They hord long lasting food, learn how to shoot, self defense, how to cook without electricity etc. They are called "Preppers" and alone in the US there are about 3 million of them and many more outside.. More
Its believed that certain events will happen before actual coming of Judgment Day e.g. sun rising from west, beast, smoke, landslides… But what do these events have to do with actual Judgment Day & the decision of whether one will go to heaven OR hell, which depends upon a person's deeds,.. More
Assalaamu alaikum sheikh. Hope this mail finds u in best of eeman and health. I want one small clarification from you regarding return of Eesa Ibn Maryam (as). I am engaged in a discussion with one of my collegue who is from ahmadiyyah (qadianis). While I was searching for the hadiths regarding the return of Eesa Ibn Maryam(as), I found a Hadith.. More
When ‘Eesa (Jesus), may Allaah exalt his mention, descends at the end of time and meets the Anti-Christ, will there be technology, either military or another kind ?.. More
Is it correct that the major signs of the Hour are about to occur?.. More
Before Islam reached Iraq, the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, talked about a blockade on Iraq. He also said that the River Euphrates will dry up, leaving a mountain of gold. I want to know the relevant Hadeeths... More
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