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Who are Ya'jooj and Ma'jooj (Gog and Magog)?
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Who is the Antichrist?.. More
Why Allah chose only Jesus Christ amongst all the prophets to be sent back to the earth to fight and kill Dajjal.
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What are the Signs of the Hour?.. More
Is beleiving in Jesus second arrival part of eeman? A person who beleives Jesus to be dead, is he outside Islam?.. More
Asslamu Alaykum.
I know the alot about the signs of judgement day. But I have a strange feeling that the major signs are coming closer and closer. Im talking about less than twenty years. Because according to my knowledge I think all of the minor signs have passed if I am incorrect please explain why. I also have another strange feeling that my.. More
Assalaamu alaikum,
Someone is asking about when 'Eesa (as) / Jesus (peace be upon him) comes back, why will he kill all the swine/ pigs. Will he kill them all or just some? Also when he breaks the cross, is it just one of them and is it symbolic or all of them?
Jazak Allah khair.. More
Asslamu Alaikum. May Allah grant you blessing and mercy to you and all the muslims. I really appreciate you helping people understand Islam better. I have one question how would the Muslims know the true Easa (alihi asslam) after the 1st major sign of Judgement day has occured. How would we know he is a fraud if someone claims to be Easa (alihi asslam)... More
From where will the Antichrist emerge?.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuh I heard that when the sun rises from the west no matter how much you pray it will not count. So does that mean that all the muslims prayers will not count. And I heard that Allah (SWT) will raise every quran to Him. then what will all the muslims read during that time? To shorten the question what will.. More
What are the major signs of the Hour and what is the reality of the awaited Mahdi?.. More
I need a lecture on the end of Israel, based on the Hadeeths of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam... More
How can we refute the claim of those who say that Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj (Gog and Magog) will come to exist by means of cloning?.. More
Who are the people of Gog and Magog? .. More
bismillahir rehmanir raheem asalamo alaykum In ahadith the Majority armies that would follow mahdi would have these signs 1)From the East 2) From Khorasan 3) From Bani Ishaq/Bani Israel /Al e Haroon (all have same meaning). Now I read one of you fatwa in which u said that the Romans would become Muslims n conquer Constantinople But Romans do not live.. More
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