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Who will appear first, Al-Mahdi or the Anti-Christ?.. More
Is there any text in the holy Quran that mentions the Anti-Christ?.. More
Is there any Hadeeth indicating that all Jews and Christians will become Muslims when ‘Eesaa, may Allaah exalt his mention, returns to earth?.. More
Was there a man at the time of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, who was said to be the Anti-Christ? Who was he? Who was the one who asked Abu Sufyaan, may Allaah be pleased with him, about the characteristics of the Prophet, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam?.. More
Is the birth of a mule one of the signs of the Hour?.. More
What will be the final sign of the Hour?.. More
Dear Mufti Sahab, Asalam o Alaikum, I would like to start my business online it will give me revenue after 2-3 years. My friends are saying do not start any business now as time of appearing Imam Mahdi is very near & after it every thing will be vanished & we need to do Jihad. I would like to know either i should start my own business or not?... More
I would like to ask about the beast which is a sign of the Hour. What is its story and what are the signs of its emergence?.. More
Is it true that the world will eventually be destroyed and only a fighting group will remain in Ash-Shaam?.. More
Are there authentic Hadeeths indicating that Arabia is safeguarded from earthquakes and volcanoes? .. More
Will you please tell about the right classification of the emergence of the Mahdi, Y’ajooj and M’ajooj (Gog and Magog), the anti-Christ and descent of ’Eesaa ibn Maryam (Jesus, the son of Mary), may Allaah exalt his mention?.. More
Is there a Hadeeth indicating that the Ka‘bah will be destroyed at the end of time?.. More
Has the Antichrist been imprisoned on an island? Did the Sahaabah (Companions), may Allaah be pleased with them, find him and ask the Messenger of Allaah, sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam, about him? Will the Antichrist appear after Lake Tabariyyah has dried up? .. More
I have heard that there are six signs of the Hour that are mentioned in one Hadeeth. What are these signs?.. More
Who are Ya’jooj and Ma’jooj?.. More
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