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As salamu aleykumI live in Germany and i can practice my religion here freely. I know that mixing genders is haraam, but the schools here are generally mixed. I dont want to marry and have children because of that. But my family urges me to marry, because it is better when a righteous person has children they say. And I dont want to migrate just to.. More
My parents came to live in the US from Pakistan then got US citizenship because of better opportunities and education regarding their jobs and work. My parents and I are layman muslims. I was born and raised in the US because my parents became US citizens before my birth and I got US citizenship from them as a result. My parents and I can practice Islam.. More
Dear scholars. You directed me to similar questions, but they do not answer my questions as my questions are specific. Can you please provide specific answers to my questions:Assalamu aleykum va rahmatullah!As we know, it is forbidden to travel to non-muslim countries for purposes of tourism or unless there is a valid shari' excuse.1- What if a country.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. My husband and I live in a non-Muslim country. I feel that my faith and level of worship have deteriorated, and I feel threatened by Islam-haters. A radical right-wing party rules here now. I am depressed. I miss Islam. I want to move to my husband's homeland, because I feel safe there. However, my husband does not see any problems,.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I wanted to know if it is permissible to be a pilot considering that I might have to travel to a lot of countries, including non-Muslim countries?
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Assalaamu alaykum, Shaykh. I live in the UK, and my life is ruined. I really cannot live here anymore, I have tried everything, I just cannot go on. For me to be able to hold on to Islam, what I must do is leave this place ASAP. I have been doing evil, disgusting major sins for years, there is no way I can change whilst remaining in this place. I have.. More
Assalaamu alaykum. I recently made Hijrah (emigration) from the USA to a Gulf country, praise be to Allah. However, after I arrived here I had issues with the folks at my work and left for another job with a considerably lower pay. For me, as long as the salary is enough to get by, it is ok. However, as a young man in the USA, I was very irresponsible.. More
asalamI live in a muslim country and when I would be graduated from university inshallah I d like to move to canada or usa but I prefer canada .Anyway I want to do so because I can find better income there ,and there are other opportunities of work there and why not meet a non muslim woman and convert her in islam and get married inshallah . as I said.. More
Assalamu Alaikum My Husband and I live a city that has no Masjid. However, his 3 year old son lives there with his mother. My Question: Is it haram to live in the same city with his son but, no masjid or, move a way an hour to a city with a masjid and not see his son so much.Thank you,Aisha
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Im 27 year old from a well known muslim country. I have recently repented from all the sins I was engaging in since I was 18. I have grown a beard, pray on time and follow sunnah. Married recently Alhamduliah. The last 5 years of my life I was studing in the U.S. I was trying to be an "American guy" and engaged in a lot of sins drinking, smoking, sex.. More
As-salamualeikum wa-rahmatullahi wa-barakatuhu. I live in a non-islamic country, where initial military duty, for women over 18 y/o, is obligatory (for 11-12 months only). My question is following, is it permissable for a woman to attend to this? She is allowed to wear hijab, eat halal and pray. She gets paid, eat and live for free, she can take free.. More
As salaamu alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu. In the area of United states where I live, their are no Islamic institutions that are upon the Manhaj of the Salaf for our family to attend. For this reason I have tried, for many years, to get my husband to move. I know several sisters and their husbands who have already done so to a particular community,.. More
im a permanent resident in canada not a Citizen my wife is a canadian and we have a child, but we are getting divorced in the court (i divorced her 3 times, shar3an ) and im scared she will take my son from me and he will be lost in kuffar country, if i go to the court for our divorce she will take my son for sure and they may not let me see him again,.. More
I live in the west where women mix freely with men and where their awrah is not covered. I'm a young brother studing at college. I'm scared of the damage this environment has caused to my fitrah and that I'm becoming insensitive to women. Other than just lowering my gaze and avoiding interactions, what further actions can i also take to restore my sensitivity.. More
Assalamualaikum I have a permanent residence status in Canada and I am 5 months away from acquiring a citizenship. I have read your fatwa as regarding this topic over and over again and I understand that you discourage it unless there is a dire need. Although I don't have one as of now but my relatives keep telling me to go for it since they fear that.. More
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