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The scholars say that Muslims who live in the West should make Hijrah, but when we try the governments of the Muslim countries reject us. Who will be blamed on the Day of Judgment? We for not making Hijrah or they for blocking or making it very difficult for Muslims to make Hijrah... More
Does following fears that may be some harm may happen to me in a Muslim country the valid excuse to leave a Muslim country and settle in non-Muslim country? For example fear of high crime rate, pollution, getting ill, joblessness, poverty, Muslims following Bid'ah (innovations in Deen), people not following Deen properly, Sharia being not the law of.. More
Many practicing Muslims living in non-Muslims countries migrated here for economic benefits and not for the purpose of Da'wah or any other permissible purpose. Then Allah guided them and they started following Deen. One of my friends is among such Muslims. I was discussing this issue with him and he seemed uncomfortable about leaving USA and to settle.. More
The situation of Muslims living in the West like myself is bad. I would love to make Hijrah for Allah, but none of the Muslim states have good immigration policies. I mean they are negating Islamic right of Hijrah. Some Muslims love the West, but I hate its decadence, and want to leave for the sake of my family's Deen, but where can we go when no Muslim.. More
Please help me to know if it is allowed for a Muslim to take his wife to USA (precisely) and or any other non-Muslim country for the delivery of the child with the intention of getting the child passport of that country and later on come to that country for the better future opportunities? And on the other side saying that we are doing this because.. More
Since times of slavery, my family and myself have been living in an un-Islamic country. We are free to practice our faith and there are no restrictions toward Muslims, however the Shari'a is not the law of this country. Do we still have to make Hijrah from this country?
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I am an Arabian Muslim and I am married to an Arabian Muslim girl but she lived her past life at Canada. I mean she doesn't know much about religion. But she is doing her best and has changed a lot. I want her to practise Islam more and more. I am not so religious but I want my daughters and sons to know religion. I forgot to say that we would live.. More
Due to the incident of USA attack, most of Arabs and Muslims here in USA have been harassed and some of them killed especially women wearing Hijab. I am a woman wearing Hijab and living in USA and I study in the university off campus. I am afraid that wearing Hijab in this situation would bring for me the harassment from ignorant people. Some Muslim.. More
Can I sell for profit what my father has bought me once from his own money such as clothes, books, etc? Can I do that? Note that I live in a western country with my father and I want to emigrate to a Muslim country. And my father does not want me to emigrate to Yemen (my homeland). So, I thought of selling some of my clothes and books to buy myself.. More
I am currently a resident of Australia and I would like to apply for a citizenship. It is not a necessity for me to become a citizen, but it has many advantages. However, one of the things that is required from a person who wants to become a citizen of Australia is to affirm allegiance to the Queen of Ustralia and affirm to obey the laws of.. More
Someone told that staying in a non-Muslim country is Haram. Is that true?
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I want to ask about this money we take in Europe when we live as refugees without work.
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Is studying (college,university) in non-Muslim countries (dar-ul-kufar) allowed according to Shariah? Where is dar-us-Salaam?.. More
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