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I am a revert to Islam for about a year now, live in Europe and I just got the oportunity to go in Libië to study there. It's dificult to practice my religion here, because I also wear the niqab so my question is, is it better for my deen to make hijra to Libië and study there or is it better to stay at home with my mother (also revert to Islam a.. More
Assalamualaikum warahmatuullahi wabarakatuh, Respected Shaykh, I was just going through the question 85662 titled “Restrictions placed by Muslims on non-Muslims, etc.”, which states the rights of a non Muslims when he stays in a Muslim state.
Iam keen to know what are the rights of Muslim who stays in a Non Muslim country/state.
Is a muslim.. More
Assalamu alaykum. My mother and myself are reverted muslimas in a non-muslim country. My husband, who has 2wife, living in muslim country, first wife always with him. I have three kids AlhamduliLlah, and being in non-muslim country I see a lot of danger for them. But if we go to my husband, my new muslim mother will be alone in non-muslim circumstances... More
Salamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatuh!I am currently living in is Denmark where it is "easy" to practise Islam. Problem is, this is a country full of fitnah, evils and sins.Another problem is, my whole family (my siblings and parents) lives here.Now, my parents allows me to go back to my/our homeland (Iraq), where the majority of our family is.. More
Assalaamu alaikum
Me, my husband & children are residing in a non-muslim country. We needed stay here for a legitimate reason in sha Allah, now however that reason has expired. I want to return to our muslim country but my husband says we should stay here a few more years to save money, otherwise we can't afford to buy an appartment there. Is that.. More
Assalamu alaikum My mom migrated to Morocco when I was young and my father stayed in the USA.Now, I just graduated from high school and I want to return to the USA to study medicine because the medical school here in Morocco is very bad.Unfortunatly,my father doesn't want to let me return to the USA even though he lives there.My father is a non-practicing.. More
Assalamu alaikum. I made hijrah from a kafir country with my family at the cost of great personal sacrifice and hardship. Some brothers now claim that it would have been more beneficial to stay in the kafir land and that there is no compulsion to make hijrah because, they say, the hadith in which Muhammad sallallahu alaihi wa sallam says, "I am.. More
My husband is planing to immigrate from Canada to Arabie Saudi .one men promise him to help him for getting his visa and my husband will pay him for that . After getting his visa my husband will go their to look for a job or to start a small business .After that he will sponsor me .I don't know how long it will take .I love my husband a lot and it is.. More
What should I do in a society that knows nothing about Islam?.. More
We are temporarily living in a western country and my wife goes to a school there to learn sewing and English. They distribute food and clothes and other things. Is my wife allowed to take these things?.. More
Salam Alaykum, I am a Palestinian refugee in Lebanon and so I hold a travel document for Palestinian refugees. In Lebanon, because we are Palestinians we are not given the right to buy and register property like houses or shops or land. If we die, then our children are not allowed to take our. We are also not allowed to work or register for any kind.. More
Selam Aleykum Werahmetula Werabakatuhu Elhamdullila I found this web site my questions goes as followes. I been a muslim for about three years now few months back I read a hadith where it says that when a kafir becomes a muslim and is in a non muslim land that his deeds will not be acceptet till he does hijra, now where things get little trick is that.. More
I wanted to study abroad but one of my salaf friends warned me and told me that its haraam to stay in a non-muslim country.i want to study a course which is available in my country but it is very expensive and my father cannot afford it. i finished high school 2 years ago and since then i haven't joined any university because my father cannot pay for.. More
I'm Muslim living in UK I'm married religiously with English women for two years and we like to get married in register office but they say you need visas only way is to get married in church my question is Fatwa about Muslim get married in church? Can you advice me please?.. More
I have noticed that it is always canvassed for Muslims to stay in Islamic countries where Sharee'ah is practiced. But a lot of the people who stay in western countries like UK believe that Sharee'ah is practiced more in UK (unwittingly) than even in some Islamic countries like Saudi Arabia. One example is equality of wages for workers which.. More
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