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132 fatwas

  • Drawing circle around oneself does not protect against jinn

    Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. Dear Scholars, unfortunately, I do not speak Arabic, and there are not many translated Hadith books in my country. I wish to ask you today about a hadith in which it is related that the Prophet  sallallaahu  `alayhi  wa  sallam ( may  Allaah exalt his mention ) wanted to meet the jinn and decided to take a Companion with him. Later, he,.. More

  • Ruling on denying jinn possession of humans

    Does believing in when jinn hunt someone or not believing in it affect one's faith and whether one will go to hell or Paradise? Assalaamu alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuhu. .. More

  • Possession of humans by jinn

    Assalaamu alaykum. Is there a consensus on the existence of jinn possesion, and where can it be found? .. More

  • The word "Naas" does not include Jinn

    Assalaam alaykum. On what basis or why was the the Jewish race elevated by Allaah above other races? Why were they considered better or superior? Also, does Surah 49 verse 13 apply to the jinn and human alike, and therefore the jinn species and the human species are equal? Please respond with evidence from the Qur'an and Sunnah. May Allaah reward you.. More

  • Reciting the Quran provides protection from Jinn

    Aslam-o-alaiikum, brother, I needed to ask a question. My friends have been telling about this large shadow following and choking them, and everytime it appears, there's this writing on the wall that appears too, some symbols and letters, and names, it has been bothering them a lot. Most of them are new converts, and I told them to say 'Allah' or say.. More

  • On jinn inhabiting homes and causing people trouble

    i live in a rental house .it have 3 flours means ground flour plus 3 flours in which 4 different families will live on each floor and this house is newly made...1.starting of this year daughter the family who live on ground flour was died she was 6 month old and has different diseases 2.later we shift in that house on first floor in approx march and.. More

  • The devil could inspire good deeds to distract from better deeds

    As-salaamu 3laikum, I want to know if the Shaytan could ever whisper to anyone to do a good deed because that would affect someone else in a bad way. Example: if someone was reading a particular surah from the Qur'an and then a few minutes later the imam recites that surah in congregational prayer. The other person might then get waswaas about strange.. More

  • It is advisable to close both windows and doors when night falls

    Salam Alaykum, is it allowed for us to open Windows after maghrib? I know that it is recommended to close the doors after maghrib but I cant find any sources about closing the windows. .. More

  • Jinns can cause physical harm to humans, like miscarriages

    Salam aleikum i have one very important question. Some time i go i had a dream where 3 male jinns told me they made something insidr my private parts and that i can never have children again. After that dream i have get pregnant 2 times but got misscariage. The last misscariage happend today. How can i know if this dream is true and ifnit is what can.. More

  • Ruling on seeking the help of Jinn to identify a thief

    salam, my sister's cell phone has been stolen from my home, here are some believes that people write on paper names of all suspected people, then this paper they fit on one pot and also on the pot they write names of four angels, Jibraeel,(A.S), Izraeel(A.S), Meekaeel(A.S),and Israfeel(A.S). etc after that they recite surah(Yaseen) then if the name.. More

  • Unusual methods used in treating jinn possession

    Salam alaykoum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu, I know people who practice roqya so weird: - They used a candle reading Surat al Fatiha over and pouring the wax on the bodies of people thinking it burn jinn - They use a verse of Surah al Baqarah verse 148 from "Wherever You May Be, Allah Will the bring you forth [for Judgement] all together Indeed, Allah.. More

  • Using incense in exorcism is not part of the Sunnah

    what is the islamic view on using some selected scents/perfume/roll on for exorcism, by rubbing it on thirty three parts of the body? .. More

  • Disbelief and sins enable the devil to control people

    Hello.Im Lena from Russia.Im 32 years old not married. Im non muslim. Some time ago i saw devil in my dream. devil said to me - i love you. and he pushed me to say back to him that i loves him too. Im afraid very much. what does it mean? I think that i cant marry cause devil dont accept any man come to me. Can you help me please? .. More

  • She finds mysterious geometric shapes on her body

    Assalamu alaikom wa rahmatullah, My question might seem a bit strange ,but I really need a reassuring answer for it .I have noticed geometrical marks on my body ,one which first appeared in ramadan and the other one recently.The first mark is a square on my left arm and the other looks like an arrow pointing down on my left leg. Everytime I look a these.. More

  • It is nonsense to say that two people were married by Jinn

    Asslamualikum A girl lives in my neighborhood. She keep the Jinn in her body. When Jinn in her body Jinn made Nikah that girl to other boy. Jinn told both are now husband and wife. Can Jinn made naikah in place of Molvi (QAZI). Both girl and boy are living as husband and wife. It is right as per Sariyat. .. More