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Is it true that a jinni can speak in the tongue of the possessed?.. More
What is the ruling regarding a person who has thoughts of disbelief but never utters them or believes in them?.. More
Assalamu alaikum wa rahmat Allahu wa barakatu. I was just searching for a place to put my questions and concerns into, and my friend suggested I use this website. So, inshAllah it will help me with the question im about to ask. I've been experiencing weird things lately, and I was wondering if you would help me out. It was just two days ago, when i.. More
Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah Dear Shaikh, One of my female relatives has been complaining lately that after praying her Fajr Salaat, she recites Surah Yaseen and reads the Azkaar-as-Sabaah, and when she lies on the bed, after a while, she starts having a strange feeling (unable to move her hands and legs), as if someone is in front of her, able.. More
I would like to explain a bit more for the reason of asking my previouse question no:2144651. I am from Maldives. Near my Island a child aged not more than 11 years have been giving treatment for many patients of different big problems which the modern medicine had done almost nothing. It is understood that a Jinn is coming to him and providing the.. More
Assalam wa Alaykum and shukran for taking time to read my question. My question is lately some strange things have been happening to me. Like for instance I have a small music player I use for workouts that i keep in my room. I turn it of to save battery, yet i wake up at night and it is turned on (on its own) to the song BAHLAM BEEK by ABD EL HALEEM... More
Does Islam establish it that Witches, Wizards, Evil Spirit and Jinns can change one Destiny or has the power inflict pains or make one succesful in life? If yes, how can one destroy their spells? Please, this has cause many troubles in our family I need fast approach to this... More
I have a Female friend who whenever she wants to put to bed[give birth], she would found that, the baby has scattered into pieces, but she complained something always sit on her stomach that she cannot see but feel during her pregnancy, this is the second time, please what can she do... More
I keep having dreams every week that the jinn enters my body and my ears make ringing sounds and heavy feeling and cannot see in eyes in dream. I do not see the jinn i feel it and know it is it entering my body.Does that mean I have jinn in my body?.. More
how to get rid of being controled by a jin 1_i have listened to ruqya sharia and quran every day 2_i canot practice my parying everyday only sometimes 3_even during ramadan is very hard for me to fast please help me if you can thank you.. More
if u do a bad deed under the infulence of a jin would u be punshied for it.. More
Assalam o alaikum wr wb, May Allah (swt) be pleased with you and all the Muslim Ummah. Respected Shaykh I have a inner problem called “FEAR”. Iam a strong man Yet get feared with the creation of Allah (swt) which is also a type of SHIRK fearing others apart from Allah (swt) who is the Mightiest and most powerfull.Iam very much scared about it... More
Assalamu Alaikom, I was having a conversation with one of my non-Muslim family members about spirits recently and I would like to know what you think about this. My grandmother was murdered in 1999 and since then my Aunt has been finding dimes everywhere. This is not a joke. I was with her once when she found a dime in a place it should not have been... More
For the past few nights I havent been able to sleep and I get up for emergency bathroom use out of nowhere and when I go to the bathroom I here weird noises and I check who is there but here arent nobody there. Every night before I go to sleep I read the 4 Quls, Ayat-al-Kursi, and the 3 Tasbeeh. So please guide me in some ways. Are tawees Haraam or.. More
What is the ruling on the “Zaar”? The “Zaar” are those celebrations which are held in order to repel the Jinn and devils from the people. In some Arab countries, the “Zaar” is considered a religious habit in order to repel the Jinn and the devils from the people who are possessed by them. Unfortunately, many Muslims stick to it despite.. More
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