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Salam 'alaykum... Why we are permitted to marry people of the Book while not permitted to marry deviant sects like Rafidha? .. More
I live in a country where blasphemy and cursing the Companions, may Allaah be pleased with them, is common. What is the ruling on praying behind Imaams who do this and on eating the meat they slaughter?
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The Shiites say that succession of the caliphate should have been according to the script, while the Sunnis maintain that it should have been by consultation. Which opinion is correct? Who are the Twelve Imams?.. More
Who is Agha Khaan (Kareem Shaah), the Imaam of the Isma‘ilis who lived in France?.. More
What are the authoritative sources of Az-Zaydiyyah? Do they approve of the Quran of the Sunnis or that of the Shee‘ah which includes, what they call, Soorat Al-Wilaayah?.. More
What do you think about the convergence of sects?.. More
Is there a difference between the scholars and commoners in deviant sects? If so, how can we apply the verse in which Allaah The Almighty Says (what means): {And they will say, "Our Lord, indeed we obeyed our masters and our dignitaries, and they led us astray from the [right] way.} [Quran 33:67] and similar verses which join the subjects with their.. More
I'm just wondering "is it true what Imam Ja'far Sadiq wrote in the book Ikmal Ad-Din on page 361, where he said that one of the evidence of the coming of Imam Mahdi is that the moon and sun eclipse happen in one holy month"? Because by this November, NASA had confirmed that the moon eclipse will happen on 9 Nov. 2003 and the sun eclipse will happen.. More
This question is a clarification of the previous question I have asked. The question was regarding the demolition of the Jannat-ul-Baki and the Jannat-ul-Maula by the Saudi govt. in 1925. I am attaching the websites of the pictures for your reference. I was inquiring for the reason behind this. More
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