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2842 fatwas

  • His family suffers from magic done by his uncle

    asalamu alaikum warahmatullahi wa barakauth.. i read mostly fatwas related to jins and majic in here..these days as qayamat is getting closer and closer, people are more involved in doing majic and secrets stuff..and they are also getting exposed cause nothing are hidden any more and the truth is coming out. my auncle he is close friend with big sufis.. More

  • Feels unable to move her hands and legs until she recite Quran 2:255

    Assalaamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaah Dear Shaikh, One of my female relatives has been complaining lately that after praying her Fajr Salaat, she recites Surah Yaseen and reads the Azkaar-as-Sabaah, and when she lies on the bed, after a while, she starts having a strange feeling (unable to move her hands and legs), as if someone is in front of her, able.. More

  • Al-Haakimiyyah as a branch of Tawheed

    Is there 4 branches of tawheed? 1. there is tawheed-ur-rububiyyah 2. there is tawheed-ul-uluhiyyah 3. there is tawheed-ul-asmaai-was-swifaat WHAT ABOUT TAWHEED OF LEGISLATION?.. More

  • Disrespecting the Quran and the Sunnah

    Assalamouraleikoum sheik, Can u tell me if Allah forgives the one who has disrespected his book or the book that contains the sunnah of prophet Muhammad(PbUh). Is there any hadith or ayah that says something about this. please clarify for me the matter. .. More

  • A young boy treating incurable diseases

    I would like to explain a bit more for the reason of asking my previouse question no:2144651. I am from Maldives. Near my Island a child aged not more than 11 years have been giving treatment for many patients of different big problems which the modern medicine had done almost nothing. It is understood that a Jinn is coming to him and providing the.. More

  • Names of Allaah mentioned in the Quran

    How many names of Allah are mentioned in the Holy Quran? .. More

  • A desirable specific date to enter a new house

    I have constructed a new house. Please tell me which date & day is suitable to enter new house ... More

  • Strange things happening in her house

    Assalam wa Alaykum and shukran for taking time to read my question. My question is lately some strange things have been happening to me. Like for instance I have a small music player I use for workouts that i keep in my room. I turn it of to save battery, yet i wake up at night and it is turned on (on its own) to the song BAHLAM BEEK by ABD EL HALEEM... More

  • His money has been stolen although he pays Zakat regularly

    somebody stolen the money of a person,even if that person was paying zakaah regularly on his money,gold,etc.then what is your opinion,why this money has been stolen?.. More

  • Claiming that the Pathans will be the followers of Al-Mahdi

    bismillahir rehmanir raheem asalamo alaykum In ahadith the Majority armies that would follow mahdi would have these signs 1)From the East 2) From Khorasan 3) From Bani Ishaq/Bani Israel /Al e Haroon (all have same meaning). Now I read one of you fatwa in which u said that the Romans would become Muslims n conquer Constantinople But Romans do not live.. More

  • Magicians and jinns only harm with the permission of Allaah

    Does Islam establish it that Witches, Wizards, Evil Spirit and Jinns can change one Destiny or has the power inflict pains or make one succesful in life? If yes, how can one destroy their spells? Please, this has cause many troubles in our family I need fast approach to this... More

  • Recommended books for learning the basics of Aqeedah

    I have been recommended the following two books to read to learn about the proper Islamic aqidah: 1. al-Ibânah `an Usûl al-Diyânah by Abû al-Hasan al-Ash`arî 2. al-I`tiqâd wal-Hidâyah ilâ Sabîl al-Rashâd by al-Bayhaqî [edited by Ahmad b. Abî al-`Aynayn] What is your opinion on the above books. Can you please also recommend some books for.. More

  • Taking part in the Indian festival ‘Holy’

    assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barkathuhu. my question is what is regarding the festival holy, many people say its about prophet ibrahim. something relating to prophet ibrahim..and i have heard from many ppl saying holy relates to the story of ibrahim. n they say to enjoy holy is a biggest sin. so please let me know, thank you.. More

  • Kissing the graves of the Awliyaa’ and giving vows for them

    As salamoalaikum, 1.IS it right to kiss,offer flower , give chadar(cover), bending head like sijdah but not sijdah to the tomb of a Peer Sahab? 2. Is it right to do Mannat to a majar of a Peer Sahab? Please give me answer in details... More

  • Celebrating one's birthday under specific circumstances

    I have already submitted this question under reference # 2136010. Please avoid that question as I am submitting the same with correction. What Islam teaches about celebrating birthdays? Secondly some people think that therer is no harm if birthday is celebrated without cake cutting ceremony or the day other then birthday i.e. one or two days before/after... More