Asslam O Alaikum, Dear Scholars, tell me the references that you quoted in your fatwa 83434: Hanging amulets containing Qur'anic verses of Names and Attributes of Allah is a controversial issue among the Muslim scholars. Some including Abdullah Ibn Amar believe that it is lawful. This also conforms to what was reported from Aisha (May Allah be pleased.. More
Dear Sirs, Assalam O Aleikum My wife has a framed photograph of the grave of the Prophet Muhammad(PBUH) and she displays this in our bedroom. Every now and then, she takes the framed photograph and kisses it. Now is this correct to do? Please reply as soon as possible. .. More
asalamu alaykumi live in egypt but now i am in a holiday in germany & holland visiting my uncles & my aunts. and me al hamdulilah finished quraan and they told me everytime hafidh ul quraan and i afraid it would be hasad, is it hasad?.. More
Salam AlaikumI have a question about those who have been cursed by people. I recently went to a shaikh who said that there was a curse of some sort done on me and my family which probably explains all of the terrible luck we always have and why we're hated and talked about a lot but we've always respected others and all and we never start any problems.. More
Assalamu Alaikom, I was having a conversation with one of my non-Muslim family members about spirits recently and I would like to know what you think about this. My grandmother was murdered in 1999 and since then my Aunt has been finding dimes everywhere. This is not a joke. I was with her once when she found a dime in a place it should not have been... More
All praise due to Allah and peace and blessing upon his noble messenger for ever Amin. Few of cousins went from US to Pakistan and they met a lady and that lady gave them bunch of Taweezes (Quran and some other prayer) wrapped in plastics and cloths. One of them just got separated with her husband after coming back from Pakistan. I told them that these.. More
I recently heard it is Shirk to give Christmas presents, but is it also Shirk to accept Christmas presents, I work in a school and receive many presents.
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As salamu alaikum Is it true that 140 books in total were sent by Allah (SWT) to different messengers? Is there any well documented evidence that proves this? Jazak Allah.. More
My mother goes every summer to morocco and visits graves of so called saints. she offers chicken and money. She doesn't listen when I say it's haram. she even insists that I go with her. So I have reached a compromise with her, that I will go, but I am only going to read soerat al Fatiha. Is this permitted ?.. More