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I'm a 20 year-old Pakistani girl of a Muslim family.I just recently realised that I am not a true Muslim and Iwant to be. The problem arises whenI ask questionsabout my religion and howto beon the right pathI get different answers. I'm just so confused.I don't know whom to consult and how toclear my doubts. Iwent through your website and think.. More
Here in Sweden we have many young students who have already gone, and others planning to go, to study in a specific traditional Islamic school inTarim, Yemen. What advice can you give us about this school? .. More
Please name some of the best books of Tafseer, Seerah of Prophet, history of previous Prophets, companions and early scholars of Islam... More
I am a 16 year-old Muslim girl. I really want to become a scholar in Islam, but I'm worried that I don’t have the time for it. I did actually come across a study program to become a scholar called the Arlemah course but its 5 days a weeks starting from 5-7pm. The problem is, on most days I finish college at 4:15 pm and it takes me at least 40.. More
I am very interested in religious studies. I am 38, married with 3 children. I am a Singaporean and my ambition since I was young was to be a Alim, Hafiz, but due to some reasons I'm an computer executive. Where can I pursue my course? Is there any correspondence courses for Alim, etc. Is it too late for me to fulfill my ambition? Please advise and.. More
Some people when they face a problem related to knowledge of the Islam they contact to the Islamic scholars in the Muslim world, but we live in another place like North America so the situation here is totally different from the Muslim world. So when we need to resolve some issue related about training in the place we live, shall we contact our scholars.. More
Which one do you think is better for Islamic/Hadith studies, Islamic University Madinah or Imam University Riyadh? I heard Riyadh is better for studies in the sense that there are more scholars there. I would appreciate your opinion in this regard. Plus I plan to go to Saudi this summer; can you go and apply there any time of the year?.. More
I would like to read the books written by Bukhari and Muslim. However my husband says in order to fully appreciate them one must have a deeper understanding of Islam. I don't know how I'm supposed to reach this deeper understanding. I pray and recite the Qur'an often. But I wish to read these text to increase my knowledge, however so far I have been.. More
I am a young brother living in Australia. Unfortunately, we do not have enough scholars or learned people here. I am very eager to study Shariah. I am in the process of applying to the Islamic University of Medinah. At the moment I am also studying under the guidance of a local Sheikh who has qualified from the Islamic University of Medinah. I am reading.. More
I am married with 5 children; one is married off; but i want to leave everything behind, go reaserch and learn Islam, that is leave this duniya behind. Please inform me of this... More
What is the Best Islamic University to Study in Da'wah in all the World. because I'm interested learning the Da'wah and Will Give Da'wah in the Future?.. More
What do you say about a person who follows only one or two scholars and adopt their opinions leaving others?
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I love learning and reading about Islam, but I also know that we should acquire knowledge of Dunya, to be able to help ourselves, family and fellow muslims. But my problem is when I try to learn subjects of Dunya, I feel as if I'm cheating my Islamic learning time. What do you suggest I do?.. More
As you know if the believers want to follow the right way, he should be close to an Islamic group so as to urge him to Islam. What books and tapes would you advice me to buy?
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I'm 23 and studying cost and management accountancy. I frequently think my education is not according to Islam, because, this education won't help us on the Day of Judgment.
Is it correct to say that we should learn Quran and Sharee'ah law first and then learn other knowledge? If it is correct, then are we committing sin by studying worldly education.. More
You can search for fatwa through many choices